
Saturday, October 10, 2015

don't forget that Capitol Food Mart is a UPS drop-off site

See this 10-10-2015 message from a Quincy Place NW resident:

Would you mind sending this out?  If more people were aware of the option, fewer packages would be available for stealing.  Perhaps the thieves would even find something else to do with their time (that may be asking for too much).  In the meantime, folks can arrange to have their packages picked up and dropped off with security. 

Reminder: the Capital Food Mart (green convenience store between the Firehouse Restaurant and Pub & the People) is a UPS drop-off spot. You can drop off your packages there, or have them delivered there. They will also accept deliveries from other carriers, if you let them know. There are a lot of package thefts in the neighborhood, so you might want to consider them as a package concierge. 

P.S. It would be neighborly to buy a bottle of water or a snack to repay them for this courtesy.


  1. It doesn't look like my packages would be any safer in that store than on the street. Do they have a special safe room or locked storage to prevent burglary on site?

    1. You do realize that it's a store that has goods that burglars would be interested in, right? Such that they'd want to lock up the store? This is a store doing a neighborly thing by accepting your packages, not Fort Knox. If you want locked storage, rent a PO Box.
