
Monday, October 26, 2015

tweets from & about today's McMillan hearing before DC Council Chair Phil Mendelson

For those of you who are not on Twitter:

Busy day!  Thanks to Bloomingdame and others for attending today's McMillan hearing.
Ready to testify with supporters in Room 120 Wilson Bldg
10:07 AM - 26 Oct 2015
. COW hearing on starting 9:55 Plaza West up first. only CM present. 
9:56 AM - 26 Oct 2015

Such little if any media interest in McMillan, which according to developers, "one of most significant, vigorously discussed projects in DC"
11:12 AM - 26 Oct 2015
The DC auditor says bidding process to develop the huge McMillan site was flawed, and should be put out to bid again
11:17 AM - 26 Oct 2015
. now testifying re: up next.
11:53 AM - 26 Oct 2015
Kirby Vining now testifying for and up next for
1:07 PM - 26 Oct 2015
. questions DMPED about Auditor's Letter.
1:30 PM - 26 Oct 2015
And that's a wrap for hearing on Record is open until November 9.
1:42 PM - 26 Oct 2015
With McMillan, there's just as much spin coming from the anti side as from the developer side. Maybe everybody should be under oath.
12:29 PM - 26 Oct 2015 ·
McMillan critics have new ammunition, but a familiar goal.
2:47 PM - 26 Oct 2015
The DC Auditor letter on McMillan does not suggest starting over from the beginning...
3:20 PM - 26 Oct 2015

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