
Monday, October 26, 2015

WBJ: "McMillan opponents have their ammunition as controversial $750M project returns to the council"

Click on the link to read the entire Washington Business Journal post:

McMillan opponents have their ammunition as controversial $750M project returns to the council
Oct 26, 2015, 2:45pm EDT 

Senior Staff Reporter- Washington Business Journal

Opponents of the McMillan Sand Filtration Plant development appeared before the D.C. Council on Monday with new ammunition but the same goal: to kill the longstanding deal between the District and the development team leading the $750 million project.

The council hearing was ostensibly on a proposal to extend the time in which the District has to dispose of the full 25-acre McMillan site from December 2016 to December 2021. But it opened the door, yet again, for the development’s many opponents to rail against it.
And they came with paper. On Oct. 19, D.C. Auditor Kathy Patterson fired off a letter to Council Chairman Phil Mendelson suggesting that the deal between D.C. and Vision McMillan Partners — a partnership of Trammell Crow Co., Jair Lynch Real Estate Partners and EYA — had changed so substantially over the years that a new competitive process is justified.

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