
Monday, November 23, 2015

car dented parked near Red Hen -- might someone have witnessed something ?

See this 11-23-3015 message:

I know it is a long shot, but I was wondering if you could note the following in your next newsletter(s):

We parked our car on the second block of Seaton NW by 1st St NW (second parking spot - across from Red Hen).  When we went to pick it up on Monday, there was the dent (see image) in the front of the car - someone clearly backed into it.  And, of course, did not leave a note.  I know this is a long shot, but if anyone saw anything or has any information at all, we would really appreciate it!  
It most likely happened sometime between 10pm on Sunday and 10am on Monday morning.  If you do have information, please contact Alexandra at alexfrest @ gmail.