
Friday, November 27, 2015

Chuck Donalies CFP & Bloomingdale resident: "The Frugal Planner's Weekly Dispatch, Issue 10 -- Black Friday Edition"

From: Chuck Donalies, CFP®  
Sent: Friday, November 27, 2015 10:18 AM
Subject: The Frugal Planner's Weekly Dispatch, Issue 10

The Frugal Planner's Weekly Dispatch

Personal Finance, News, Ideas, & Things I Find Interesting

Issue 10, Black Friday Edition

November 27, 2015

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How Amazon's Strategies Affect Black Friday

Now that Thanksgiving is over, and Black Friday is here, we can stop being thankful and get out there and buy stuff! But seriously, you should still be thankful.

I know many people enjoy fighting crowds and hunting for bargains after Turkey Day. Personally, I'd rather watch a marathon of sappy Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel. Note: Heidi, this statement in no way means I want to watch movies on Hallmark all day!

I prefer to do almost all of my shopping online at Jeff Bezos and his employees have made it incredibly easy (too easy!) to buy nearly anything and have it delivered to your home or office - sometimes the same day. has an interesting article about how Amazon's strategies affect not only Black Friday sales, but online shopping in general.

These boxes arrive at our house way too often.

Gratitude (and the Pumpkin Pie Paradox)

We just celebrated Thanksgiving, which means it's a good time to write about the link between being grateful and being happy. I believe most of us know focusing on good things makes us feel better than focusing on bad things. Unfortunately, its easy to forget to be grateful as we go through our daily routine.

New York Times columnist Arthur C. Brooks recently wrote a column about gratitude and happiness. It's a good reminder to be grateful for the little things in life.

Bonus: Brooks coins the phrase "Pumpkin Pie Paradox", when people begin to crave sweets after expressing gratitude. There's a scientific basis for why we eat pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving!

I'm grateful for Ilsa falling asleep on me after Thanksgiving dinner.

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