
Friday, November 20, 2015

DCRA secures admission in Hofgard Cases (Bloomingdale has some Hofgard properties, so of general interest)

Friday, November 20, 2015
Agency obtains admissions from defendants on NOIs totaling $301,150
The Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) announced today that it secured admissions from Insun and Jefferson Hofgard on 25 consolidated Notices of Infraction (NOI) at a proceeding before the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH).  The NOIs cover conduct related to illegal house flipping and carry $301,150 in fines. 
Obtaining the admissions is the culmination of several months of investigations undertaken by staff at DCRA.  During the course of the agency’s investigation, staff uncovered violations at more than 20 properties across the District, including violations of the District’s zoning regulations, failure to obtain proper permits, and non-compliance with the District’s building and housing codes. 
“Would-be scofflaws should consider this proceeding as a very clear message: deceiving consumers and compromising their safety will not be tolerated,” said DCRA Director Melinda Bolling.  “DCRA will pursue penalties against those who wrong consumers to the fullest extent of the law.”
The Office of Administrative Hearings is expected to issue a final order shortly.

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