
Wednesday, November 04, 2015

This Month at Samsara House 2023 - November 2015

From: Cullen Kowalski
Sent: Wednesday, November 4, 2015 1:05 PM
Subject: This Month at Samsara House 2023 - November 2015

How to End Violence, Racism and Genocide by
Healing Humanity's Collective Trauma at its Roots
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This Month at Samsara House 2023
- November 2015 -

Highlights this month:
  • Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee: Speech & Global Ceremony
  • The World’s Problems Being Solved From Bloomingdale, D.C., Join Us!
  • Peace is Every Step: Thay’s Continuation - Thich Nhat Hanh’s turns 89
  • Conscious Film Night 2015-2016 Season Launch - Premiering in D.C. :
         The Doctrine of Discovery - Unmasking The Domination Code

Dear Friends,

If you haven’t figured it out by now, Samsara House 2023 is a row house in Bloomingdale, D.C. where profound transformation happens.  Transformation of what? You, at all costs and by all means—the ripple effect such an event can create in others and in the world is immeasurable.  My purpose is to help others realize transformation right now or one day in the near future and above all become continuous renewals of themselves.  The purpose of Samsara House 2023 is to help ignite a planetary revolution in consciousness within ten years.

If you don’t want to this, you’re a fool.  If you think don't you need it, you’re a fool.  If you think you are okay, that you’ve arrived someplace on a plateau different than others, and have done your inner work, or that doing work on oneself is for other people and not you, you’re a fool.  If you don't know what this means, come by and check it out. We are all fools, we all have broken parts of our selves which need healing lest we unleash those parts of ourselves unto others, and we all need to do our part as both cordial passengers and intelligent stewards on this space ship we are all on which someone named Earth.

Everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there.  Our survival as a species depends upon our ability to participate in practices of group awakening.  Let's get together.  Truths are revealed to us and we can no longer live the life we once lived beforehand--we become dedicated to the healthy survival of All. No matter what our beliefs, practices, or status in society, we are all in this together—from your mother to the human beings who participate in ISIS. Each and every one of us in the developed world has enormous responsibility to our ancestors and to our children to help heal the wounds of our psyche, our family, our nation, and of humanity.  It is possible. 

There is no way out of this one consciousness, this necessity and interdependence upon all people and all life--every possible “thing” there is, from rock to human being, from good to evil.  The boundary between our skin and the next “thing”, whatever it may be, can give us the impression that we and everything else are separate, disconnected things. The reality is that everything, everywhere, from the elements which make up our body to the elements found on edges of the known cosmos is connected, has always been connected, and will always be connected—we quite literally, inter-are.  To be or not to be, that is *not* the question, the question is to interbe.  But how can we realize the idea of "interbeing" in our bones?  How can we embody it and gain a sense of greater understanding?

This is why there are so many different types of seemingly unrelated events being offered at Samsara House 2023--so far, over 100 events in total since 2013.  There are many doors to liberation, many rivers, many paths, many practices--liberation at your own pace and your own next shift in consciousness. No modern secular practice will do this by itself and also stick.  No modern religion will do this and also stick. This is the evolution of spiritual religion. This is spiritual but not religious. This is beyond spiritual but not religious. This is Evolutionary Spirituality. This is the cutting-edge.

Seeds will be planted, and you will be deeply met, held and seen for who you are, right now, and you will feel a sense of confidence in yourself to arrive on a path with clarity on where you are meant to go; your life purpose and a relaxation into both sides of how to fulfill it—a knowing and a not knowing of the way. Alone we can go fast, but together, in mutuality, in recognition and seeing of whoever is before us, We will go far.  

Come join me and my friends on our journey to inner space—the true and final frontier, to help us save us from ourselves, find that the journey is the destination, that everything is just as it should be unless we want it to be different, and discover just how the most impossible problems of the world at all levels are being solved from a simple 1895 row house in the 5,500-home community known as Bloomingdale, Washington D.C.  Won’t you join us?  

Sign-up to the mailing list to receive event updates.

With Gratitude,

If the success or failure of this planet and of human beings depended on how I am and what I do — how would I be?  What would I do?
Buckminster Fuller

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. (r) Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. 
Margaret Mead (Used with permission)

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16-17 OCTOBER 2015
"Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee" Landmark Speech
Presented at the Parliament of the World's Religions
On October 16-17, 2015, Chief Arvol Lookinghorse together with Saniel Bonder, founder of the international movement of Waking Down in Mutuality, and Stephen Dinan, founder of The Shift Network, offered one of the most powerful presentation at the 2015 Parliament of the World's Religions : Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee.
The first session included a five-person panel delineating how the problems of massacre, racism and war are identified as leading to deep multi-generational wounding that ultimately touches each person and affects every nation on earth. Human evolutionary experiences of deep healing, spiritual transformation, and consciousness expansion indicate how far reaching, resonant and crucial it is for us to end denial of these pervasive wounds and truly heal.

An invitation for people around the world was made to join with us on December 29th, 2015 in the Ceremony for Healing Our Hearts at Wounded Knee. This is a call for Deep Indigenous and Global Healing initiated by ceremony, healing practices, and a written declaration/invocation to end massacre, racism, and war.

The second session was a dynamic workshop designed to engage participants in: a profound examination of sites and historical events of massacre and other forms of grave collective wounding with the purpose of instigating healing ceremony at these locations; identifying the growing number of resources for healing (workshops, ceremonies, talking circles and other modalities); beginning to identify and support those who are willing to commit to join us in ceremony and the healing journey; initiate considerations for the future.  We present an action for healing.
Saniel Bonder's speech was titled "To Really Reclaim the Heart of Our Humanity, Let Us Also Claim the Heart of Our Divinity." His talk addressed the multi-generational and multi-lineal, psychological and also biological impact of trauma stemming from wars, massacres, atrocities, and genocide -- and the potential for cultivating resilience and healing through many means.

You can see the whole delegation's presentations from Friday, Oct. 16th, to an audience of over 200 people, at the links below. The other speakers included: 
·  Chief Arvol Looking Horse, the 19th generation keeper of the Sacred Pipe brought to the Sioux peoples by White Buffalo Calf Woman,
·  Jean Fleury, a Lakota Sioux Grandmother, visionary, and the convener of the delegation, and also a practitioner of the Waking Down® teachings,
·  Audri Scott Williams, a Native American and African American champion of the "beloved community," Peacewalker, and award-winning humanitarian,
·  Stephen Dinan, the co-founder and CEO of The Shift Network.
Saniel and the other panelists were told by many attendees that their events were among the most powerful and moving at the enormous convention of 10,000 people from 80 nations and 50 faiths, with more than 1,200 presentations going on concurrently over all four days. Their follow-up workshop on Saturday, Oct. 17th, the day after their presentations, was standing room only. Here are the links to the Oct. 16th presentations:
Presentations: (click to watch)
·  Saniel Bonder #1
·  Saniel Bonder #2
·  Jean Fleury #1
·  Jean Fleury #2

22-29 DECEMBER 2015, Wounded Knee, South Dakota
Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee, Local and Global Ceremonies

125th Year Memorial of the Massacre at Wounded Knee

Indigenous peoples all over the world are starting to heal from the deepest essential and millennial wounds of humanity created by colonization and lack of reconciliation. Arising from inspiration from Indigenous peoples, we propose to unite all peoples, all communities, and all nations in a series of World Wide Global Ceremonies: Ceremonies to heal massacre, heal holocaust, heal racism, heal the deepest, most heartfelt, soul wrenching wounds of humanity throughout time.   
We need to bring our wounds out of denial and work together to heal them hand in hand, heart to heart, invoking the sacred to be with us as we walk down this deeply compassionate reverential road together.

For the past 25 years, Native American people have been riding, running and walking the route that Chief Bigfoot followed with his people, before they were massacred at the site of Wounded Knee in Pine Ridge, South Dakota. This year, to honor the 25th anniversary of the Chief Big Foot Band Memorial Ride and the 125th anniversary of the massacre, we inaugurate a 4 year cycle for global ceremony to end massacre and all that massacre means and to finally heal our hearts.

Wounded Knee becomes a focal point for healing ceremonies and activities to heal the multi-lineal, multi-generational wounds of humanity. Through ceremony and other healing modalities, we are engendering the healing process for indigenous and non-indigenous communities worldwide; by recognizing the core wounds of humanity, participating in ceremonies and activities of healing, and creating opportunities for everyone to heal…

25 Year Chief Big Foot Band Reunion Ride

We will be honoring the first 19 Chief Big Foot Band Memorial riders, who first made the trek on horseback to honor our ancestors.  Starting in 1986-1990 they retraced the 7 day journey made by Big Foot’s people in 1890. Then in 1990 for the 100 Year Memorial of the massacre, these original riders were joined by walkers, runners, and hundreds more. The Walkers and Runners who journeyed in 1990 will also be honored. This pilgrimage to Wounded Knee has been repeated annually for the last 24 years. We invite riders, walkers, runners, and support volunteers to join with us on this year’s historic journey.

This year is historic.  

We are hosting the 25th Bigfoot Band Memorial Ride. We expect hundreds of riders, walkers, runners, media and volunteer support staff. This will include a diverse group of people of all ages and from all over the world.  For more information on how you can volunteer and support the ride, please click here
Come Join Us and Sign the Pledge:

To honor the endless lineage of our Ancestors and Relatives who have sacrificed their lives in war, violence and massacre; we pledge to End Massacre; We Pledge to End Genocide; We pledge to End Racism; We pledge to End War.  
Click here to Sign Pledge

15-19 OCTOBER 2015
Watch the 2015 Parliament
A recap of one of the most significant events of 2015

Read a review

The 2015 Parliament of the World’s Religions included an amazing lineup of Nobel Peace Laureates, Religious Leaders, Global Thinkers, and interfaith activists who are saying yes to reclaiming the heart of our humanity at the 2015 Parliament!

2015 Parliament Speakers Reclaiming the Heart of Our Humanity Bring Global Wisdom and Practice to 3 Critical Issues: 
  • Climate Change & Care for Creation,
  • Income Inequity & Wasteful Consumption,
  • and War, Violence & Hate Speech.
 The 2015 Parliament’s world-class speakers comprised:
  • Nobel Peace Laureates including Costa Rica’s two-time President, the Spiritual Leader of Tibetan Buddhism, and a mother who helped put an end to sectarian violence in a war-torn Northern Ireland;
  • A Lakota nation tribal leader who is a global defender of sacred sites;
  • The United States Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom;
  • Top religious scholars, writers, speakers and activists achieving compassion, peace, justice and sustainability;
  • News media icons pointing global attention to issues like racial and interreligious relations, income equality, immigration, and the human rights and dignity of women, children, and all oppressed peoples.
  • Religious and spiritual luminaries strengthening the interfaith movement for our future

Inaugural Women's Gathering (click to watch) 

Main Plenary (click to watch) 

History of the Parliament of the World's Religions
Complete Speech By Swami Vivekananda From Chicago USA in 1893

Rise-Up Kundalini Yoga and Meditation in Bloomingdale


Requested Donation - $10
Read More/Register:

Community Yoga with Deb Koolbeck
7:00PM - 8:00PM, Every Monday Night, RSVP Required
Requested Donation: $10
Register: Without at least RSVP by Noon Each Monday, Class Canceled
Mailing list sign-up/express interest:

Alchemy Crystal Bowl Meditation and Deep Relaxation Yoga Nidra with Deb Koolbeck
6:30PM - 8:00PM
Register By Midnight Saturday 11/14, Save $5:
Read More/Register:

Men's Circle: Masculinity A New Story
An 3-month Online Course with Charles Eisenstein for Men and Women

Read More/Register:

The old patriarchal conception of masculinity is disintegrating before our eyes.  This is a good thing, but what is the next step?

Here are some of the questions we will explore:
  • What qualities characterize a healthy or sacred masculine?
  • What are the shadow aspects of those qualities?
  • What is the role of initiation in manhood, and how might we reclaim it?
  • What is the proper relationship of the masculine to the sacred feminine (both internally, and as manifested by women)?
  • How can each heal the other?
  • What would a new “story of a man” be in the areas of love, intimacy, partnership, and family?
  • What sexual capacities might be developed in a liberated man?
  • What is fatherhood in a new story?
  • How shall we engage the damage that has been done to woman and earth by the distorted, violent masculine?
  • What does masculinity mean in a time of great fluidity in sexual preference and gender identity?
  • What can wisdom traditions and indigenous cultures tell us about the masculine?
  • Where and how can we source the support we need to stand consistently in sacred masculinity?

(first trailer) (alternative trailer)
Conscious Film Night: 
The Doctrine of Discovery - Unmasking the Domination Code

8:00PM - 10:30PM
Cost: Please share $5 or more

This powerful and landmark documentary “The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking The Domination Code” is a result of the collaborative efforts by Dakota filmmaker and Director Sheldon Wolfchild and Co-Producer Steven Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape). The film, based on Newcomb’s thirty years of research, and his book Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery (Fulcrum, 2008), brings to the big screen an amazing and little known story:

The first Christian people to locate lands inhabited by non-Christians (“infidels, heathens, and savages”) claimed the right to assert a right of domination to be in themselves. On the basis of this religiously premised argument, the U.S. Supreme Court has defined the land title of the Indian nations as a “mere right of occupancy” subject to a right of domination on the part of the United States. The first “Christian people” that claimed “ultimate dominion,” said the Supreme Court, could grant away the soil while yet it was still in the possession of the “natives, who were heathens.”

Birgil Kills Straight, a Headman of the Oglala Lakota Nation, provides insight into the traditional wisdom and teachings of the Seven Laws of the Oglala Lakota. The documentary points out that the traditional teachings of original nations and peoples form an alternative to the dehumanizing domination system of Christendom.  Run time: 61 minutes.  The film will be followed by a group healing and discussion circle.

Waking Down in Mutuality (WDM) Awakening and Beyond Workshop

10:00AM - 6:00PM Each Day
RSVP: See Below
Cost: See Below

Come join Waking Down in Mutuality teachers Bonita WilliamsElijah Petersen and Dan Will for a two day workshop that will explore the nature of awakened life, as well as the conditions, limitations and obstacles to awakening and beyond.
We invite you to deepen into the Waking Down in Mutuality (WDM) dharma. Explore, investigate and feel into the limiting voices, preconceived notions and conditioning that prevent fully embodying and owning awakening and awakened life. Probe the edges of your experience, learn techniques to successfully negotiate and integrate infinite consciousness into ordinary daily life. Say yes to the paradoxes that previously limited your experience of Self as source.
Come join the conversation with three awakened teachers. Allow yourself to feel the joy of your awakened embodied infinite consciousness. Learn to be with and integrate difficult emotions and receive their wisdom.
Space is limited, so reserve early via PayPal ( or RSVP and pay when you attend. The price is 175$ if you pay before 11/14 and 225$ after 11/14.  This event will take place on 11/21 and 11/22.  The price is 175$ if you pay before 11/14 and 225$ after 11/14.  This event will take place on 11/21 and 11/22. 

NOW through NOW
Thay’s Continuation Celebration - Thich Nhat Hanh turns 89 years old
Thich Nhat Hanh has been instrumental in introducing the practice of engaged Buddhism through through the uniquely simple ways he has modernized the 5,000 year old practice of Mindfulness.  “Mindfulness must be engaged. Once there is seeing, there must be acting. Otherwise, what is the use of seeing? We must be aware of the real problems in the world. Then, with mindfulness, [we wake up more and more], and we will know what to do and what not to do to be of help.” 
Thay's Continuation Celebration: Zen Buddhist Master Thich Nhat Hanh, celebrates his 89th year.  Known affectionately as “Thay” (pronounced “Tie”) by those touched by his simple yet profound teachings, the word means "Teacher" in Vietnamese.  Thay would remind us that Thay was here before Thay was here, that Thay will still be here after Thay is here, that he has always been here, and that there is only a Continuation, no birth and no death.  There is only a Continuation to be celebrated.  We are the Continuation of Our Ancestors.
Read More: Peace is Every Step
Watch a Teaching: My Life is My Message
Out in the World: Thay visits Facebook & Salesforce in San Francisco 2015 - [URL]
Go on Mindfulness Retreat in France: Plum Village Mindfulness Retreat Center - (ask about Samsara House 2023 guided trips -

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Sunrise Kundalini with Jiwan Shakti Kaur
6:30AM - 7:30 AM @ Lighthouse Yoga, Petworth, D.C.
Reserve space:
Kundalini Yoga, Gong and Meditation with Ramjot Kaur and friends
8:15AM - 10:00AM @ Yoga House, Dupont Circle, D.C.
No need to register:
e-mail: Ramjot Kaur for questions:
About Samsara House 2023, (est. 2013)

"Samsara House 2023" at 36 R Street NW is an Awareness-based shared event space where world-shifting communities are meshworked to expand each other's world view and experience and cross-pollinate that which is emerging in the world.  Samsara House 2023 rapidly prototypes models for the new world to template upon and ignite a planetary revolution in consciousness within ten years.

Samsara House 2023’s strategy is to exemplify a gift-economy over the market economy, one that values giving over having. While all events cost at least one dollar to cover utilities, any additional contribution will go towards periodically giving half back to a socially responsible organization or cause in need that you also help identify. Going together as a river, we build a thriving community of communities and pave the way for a new world. Samsara House 2023 is a Holacracy powered organization founded by Cullen Kowalski at a row house in Bloomingdale, New Washington, D.C.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.  To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ~ Buckminster Fuller

Be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Gandhi

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Join the Samsara House 2023 event mailing list:
Samsara House 2023
36 R Street NW
Washington, DC 20001

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