
Monday, November 16, 2015

This Week at Samsara House 2023 - November 16, 2015

From: Cullen Kowalski
Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2015 10:40 PM
This Week at Samsara House 2023 - November 16, 2015

THIS FRIDAY NIGHT 11/20/15 - Film Starts at 8:00PM 

It's Time to Get Teal About the Real Story of "Thanksgiving" --

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This Week at Samsara House 2023
- November 16, 2015 -
(distributed every Sunday evening)
Click here to view the entire month


Conscious Film Night: 
The Doctrine of Discovery - Unmasking the Domination Code

8:00PM - 10:30PM
Cost: $10/$5
It's time to get real about the real story of “Thanksgiving” -- 

Humanity is beginning to realize how the trauma of war, genocide and massacre is equally affecting ordinary people all over the world who are just trying to live their lives as much as it is the people and places most directly related to such events. How could this be?   
The more and more we study and dig deeper into the understanding of ourselves, both philosophers and scientists are beginning to realize that there really is no true physical separation between any person or thing.  Most profoundly however, is the discovery that We--all humans who are alive right now and who have ever lived--somehow seem to share the same conscious global mind or one connected continuous consciousness. The implications of this realization towards global peace are profound. 
It means that at the subconscious level, we each and all share the collective trauma of war, genocide and massacre committed around the world, past and present. And it means we each and all are either projecting or transposing the broken parts of consciousness upon everyone around us, even across generations to our new born children. We--all of humanity alive right now that is, which includes me, you the reader and everyone you know--cannot escape this discovery. 
However, the "way out" is coming into view--it involves practices and ways of being that return to remembering a reverence of truths, restoring respect of life and co-active healing of the Heart. This capital-H "heart" refers to the collective, all-inclusive consciousness which means every-body one and all, as well as the physical heart beating inside each one of those bodies.  
Without first returning to regular ceremonial reconciliations, key cultural restorations and doing active work to heal of the Heart of humanity, all other external means, methods, or practices will ultimately fail to live up to our intended outcome: peace, connection and wellness for and with all people and living things. The hypermasculin world we are all creating together has pulled us from our roots without us even knowing it.  What the world is now is as a result of what We were once unknowingly responsible for creating--now is our chance to heal the world for our ancestors, for us, and for future generations. Come join the revolution in consciousness.
Being shown in D.C. for the first time, this disturbingly powerful film is a first step towards understanding the necessity of reconciliation and restoration to begin healing our hearts and the Heart of humanity.

Read more in the events section of the November Events Calendar]
Also scroll down and watch part1 and part2 videos of "Solidarity with Indigenous Communities"

About the Film:

This powerful and landmark documentary “The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking The Domination Code” is a result of the collaborative efforts by Dakota filmmaker and Director Sheldon Wolfchild and Co-Producer Steven Newcomb (Shawnee, Lenape). The film, based on Newcomb’s thirty years of research, and his book Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery (Fulcrum, 2008), brings to the big screen an amazing and little known story:

The first Christian people to locate lands inhabited by non-Christians (“infidels, heathens, and savages”) claimed the right to assert a right of domination to be in themselves. On the basis of this religiously premised argument, the U.S. Supreme Court has defined the land title of the Indian nations as a “mere right of occupancy” subject to a right of domination on the part of the United States. The first “Christian people” that claimed “ultimate dominion,” said the Supreme Court, could grant away the soil while yet it was still in the possession of the “natives, who were heathens.”

Birgil Kills Straight, a Headman of the Oglala Lakota Nation, provides insight into the traditional wisdom and teachings of the Seven Laws of the Oglala Lakota. The documentary points out that the traditional teachings of original nations and peoples form an alternative to the dehumanizing domination system of Christendom.  Run time: 61 minutes.  The film will be followed by a group healing and discussion circle.


Rise-Up Kundalini Yoga and Meditation in Bloomingdale


Requested Donation - $10
Read More/Register:

Community Yoga with Deb Koolbeck
7:00PM - 8:00PM,
Registration: 3 RSVPs Required by Noon Monday to Make Class Happen

Requested Donation: $10
Mailing list sign-up/RSVP:



Sunrise Kundalini with Jiwan Shakti Kaur
6:30AM - 7:30 AM @ Lighthouse Yoga, Petworth, D.C.
Reserve space:

Kundalini Yoga, Gong and Meditation with Ramjot Kaur and friends
8:15AM - 10:00AM @ Yoga House, Dupont Circle, D.C.
No need to register:
e-mail: Ramjot Kaur for questions:

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Awareness Cubed Series, From A-Z


"We feel and know that we are eternal."
Baruch Spinoza

"Its not about learning to trust. Its about learning what it is I place my trust in and why. Its like learning to see the forest for the trees. You cannot see the forest for the trees unless you are outside the forest."
~ Bashar

"Above all we have to go beyond words and images and concepts. No imaginative vision or conceptual framework is adequate to the great reality."
Bede Griffiths

About Samsara House 2023, (est. 2013)

"Samsara House 2023" at 36 R Street NW is an Awareness-based shared event space where world-shifting communities are meshworked to expand each other's world view and experience and cross-pollinate that which is emerging in the world.  Samsara House 2023 rapidly prototypes models for the new world to template upon and ignite a planetary revolution in consciousness within ten years.

Samsara House 2023’s strategy is to exemplify a gift-economy over the market economy, one that values giving over having. While all events cost at least one dollar to cover utilities, any additional contribution will go towards periodically giving half back to a socially responsible organization or cause in need that you also help identify. Going together as a river, we build a thriving community of communities and pave the way for a new world. Samsara House 2023 is a Holacracy powered organization founded by Cullen Kowalski at a row house in Bloomingdale, New Washington, D.C.

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.  To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ~ Buckminster Fuller

Be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Gandhi

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Join the Samsara House 2023 event mailing list:
Samsara House 2023
36 R Street NW
Washington, DC 20001

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