
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

World Missions invites you to make a tax-deductible year-end contribution -- to help provide toys and to help with the 1720 1st St NW building expansion project

From: World Missions EXTENSION Center []
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2015 10:55 PM

As we prepare for both the Thanksgiving Basket Give Away being held at Mt. Pleasant  Baptist Church on Sat Nov 21st  and Christmas toys to Needy Kidz Rally being held at McKinley on Sunday, December 20th, we ask that neighbors consider making an end of the year tax deductible donation which will help us provide toys to children as a part of our Toy Drive.  
We are  also asking neighbors to consider helping us with our Building Expansion Project of converting our site into a Day Care/Parent Center with a Chapel.  Checks should be made out to World Missions or person can use paypal to give on line.  
Thanks so much for sharing this opportunity with our neighbors.   

Pastor JoAnn Perkins, 
World Missions

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