I saw your post regarding filing complaints on
the Insun Hofgard case. I did some more digging with relevant information that
you may want to add:
Insun Hofgard is seeking a fine reduction on
her properties from DCRA. If you wish to object to this, you may submit a
Victim Impact Statement to DCRA Civil Infractions Advocate, David Lang:
david.lang AT dc.gov no later than November
12, at 8:00 AM.
A sample template can be found at the following
address: https://goo.gl/vCGsKQ
If you live near a Hofgard property or bought a Hofgard property, please, please submit a statement. Allowing the out-of-towner Hofgards who have no history or background in DC come in and ruin neighbors and the homes of those unfortunate enough to buy into them have their fines reduced will only continue to encourage bad behavior in the Hofgards and developers like them.