
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

SaveMcMillan ActionCoalition: Save McMillan Park: Hearing This Thursday; Dissent Today

Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 3:22 PM
Cc: SaveMcMillan ActionCoalition <>
Subject: [WARD5]
Save McMillan Park: Hearing This Thursday; Dissent Today

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The Save McMillan Activist Coalition (SMAC), knows that thousands of DC residents appreciate McMillan Park and the amazing historic public space it is, both above and below ground >>

As you may have heard, the clock started ticking to destroy and privatize this special place about a year ago.  That was when the DC Zoning Commission wrongfully and unfairly decided to approve the first stage review of the current corporate-driven proposal to build a gigantic medical facility, tall and dense luxury housing, a grocery store, and a small recreation center on top of the remains of this historic site.

That's ok, because our team of legal activists have recently taken this ridiculous zoning decision to the Court of Appeals (feel free to read the filings and find out how to help here >>


Now, the second-stage of the proposed suburban town-center project is up for review again before the very myopic Zoning Commission. That means we have another chance to publicly dissent and say NO to the destruction of our site and inform the Zoning Commission to follow the law.


1) Take 5 minutes to send in testimony to the Zoning Commission using this easy online site >>

2) Come to the hearing this Thursday night to rally for our McMillan Park >>

Rally to Save McMillan Park  – Say NO to the Flawed Process!  This Thursday, December 17, 2015
Gather at 6:00PM; Go into the hearing room at 6:30PM
Location: One Judiciary Square, 441 4th Street NW
Use Redline metro: Judiciary Square metro stop
FMI >>
RSVP:  202-810-2768 ||

Earlier this fall, DC's independent Auditor sent a letter to the City Council saying that the McMillan Project was not properly bid to maximize competition, and ought to be rebid >>

Let DC's Zoning Commissioners know that you do not appreciate the fundamentally flawed process with regards to our McMillan Park.  Send in a note today >>

Rally to Save McMillan Park  – Say NO to the Flawed Process!  This Thursday, December 17, 2015
Gather at 6:00PM; Go into the hearing room at 6:30PM
Location: One Judiciary Square, 441 4th Street NW
Use Redline metro: Judiciary Square metro stop
FMI >>
RSVP:  202-810-2768 ||

The SMAC team -- Working alongside Friends of McMillan Park & thousands of District residents who are opposed to the destruction of McMillan Park.

FMI, visit:


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  4. Stop the exxageration. You don't represent thousands and most in this community want the project AND a real park to be built. Stop your bullying and lying tactics.

    1. Breaking- the latest signature count on the petition opposing the current plan is 7,581.

  5. The Friends of McMillan ACTUALLY ... have over 7,000 opposition signatures on a petition to stop this over reaching development and pave over of McMillan Park ... I suspect this "UNKOWN" posting to be the work of VMP Flack Barry "the phony advocate" Danniker who no longer lives here anyway ... jeeezzzz.

    1. sure Jerome a bunch of people who don't even live near the site or in DC! Liars!

  6. Two important things to note:
    a. Not everyone who lives in Bloomingdale is opposed the McMillan Development. There are many of us, including long-term residents, who support it.
    b. If we are not concerned about the opinions of those who no longer live here, or for those who have never lived here period, then the 7,000 opposition signatures will drop significantly given that many of those people do not live in any of the neighborhoods immediately surrounding the McMillan site.

    1. In terms of opinions to value, there's a big difference between those who actually live in DC and will patronize the new park versus those living in other states.

  7. Like maybe the opinion of someone who lives in Brookland matters less than the opinion of someone who lives across the street from the McMillian site?

    1. Right cause people who live near it want it built

    2. Said the guy who lives in Rhode Island.

    3. Who has a ton of experience in community planning development...and urs?

    4. I agree with bloomingdaleold. That experience didn't save you when we voted you out as ANC commissioner, precisely because your attitude and vitriol on this site didn't fit in with Bloomingdale and we didn't want you speaking for us. Now you don't even live in the neighborhood anymore, much less DC. Leave us alone, Barrie.

    5. Had nothing to do with McMillan but more with Bib Bear getting and Stew wanting a ABC license. So your not kidding anyone. And you ended up with a loser lawyer for your ANC who illegally built a structure on his lot that he will never be able to get zoned for and he quit. Furthermore I was elected city wide after that election so I must have a great deal of support in DC for that. What support do you have... UH NONE! Hence McMillan is being built despite your vicious attacks against neighbors who want it to be built. Because I fight back against your terrorists you all cry! BOO WHOO!!

  8. Has VMP, or an ANC Commissioner, Councilmember or DC government, or anyone, ever polled residents to see what they want? Many residents do want a park on the site, but they want a larger park than is being offered, more historic preservation and a transparent process in selecting the developer. The permutations of what people want and what is possible and what is being offered, are infinite. Why don't the residents who support the current project and the current developer offer some proof of the extent of that support, rather than just calling the opponents liars?

    1. A survey of about 1,000 households was done a couple years ago by volunteers in the neighborhood under the auspices of the ANC. That is to my knowledge the only survey ever done on the subject by anyone, and it was done in direct response to the allegation that the ANC "knows what your neighborhood wants." That ANC statement was not based on asking the neighborhood, and in fact the findings of that survey found precisely the opposite: considerable negative response to the height and density and potential impact on traffic of the proposed development. Several articles summarizing that survey were posted to this blog and if you search for "McMillan" and "survey" in here I think you'll find it. Those findings were presented to the Mayor and the Council, not that there was any interest in those offices for a community survey. -Kirby

    2. And the survey was awful and didn't correctly frame questions. The result was a flaw survey with results that were not reliable. So let's get the fact straight Kirby. Since Mr. Kirby was a slumlord for so many years in his stronghold neighborhood while he lived aboard and is only back in the hood cause the values of the property have increased now he wants to be a real player. NOT!

  9. Please supporters of the VMP plan, come out to the Zoning, and City Council hearings and demonstrate all this wide community support. If you feel strongly, come and tell the
    "District of Corruption" what you want to see in the center of YOUR City. Bowser said "All eight wards have a voice", isn't that nice?
    All of us in opposition, who see a real park here, like the one that already exists, miss you so much.
    Chair Hood, and Chair Mendelson talk about you, the vast invisible ground swell of support, but no one really sees it, IN REALITY. Cheryl Cort came out, and was funded by VMP, Rashida Brown is practically alone, so come with her, and testify if you are so strongly in favor of the traffic, air pollution, obstructed federally protected View Sheds, a healing garden on a congested intersection, and grocery store that belongs on the grid and near a Metro. Even better in a re-purposed existing structure, like Whole Foods in Tenley. Who thinks the executive management of Harris Teeter is capable of the same thing, Gee they did it in the 1930's Roller Rink in Adams Morgan, parking and entire operation, and not one extra square foot bigger than the original footprint.
    Do they care that the land for Harris Teeter McMillan Town Center is stolen from the people of DC in the biggest land theft since Manhattan? Probably not, as long as they can drain DC money out by the millions to Mathews North Carolina.
    Tell us how great an idea this land give away is, show your support for adding a few $billion more to Trammel Crow already doing $2 billion in DC development, and Jair Lynch $1.5 billion.

    Let's show our support for development all over town,let's get a big section of Rock Creek Park ceded to the District for McMillan/Olmsted TownCenter II, like where the Zoo used to be, or the Nature Center(useless activity), let's get support from Georgetown, and Chevy Chase, Woodley and Cleveland Park "community", and build a sister Monstrosity over there where they already have 500% more greenspace. Let's start a petition for VMP, our good friends, who respect everyone, supporter and opposition alike, says EYA VP Aakash Thaakar, your buddy.
    But, but, but, anyone who would hire Fontaine Agency, to fake "grassroots support", doesn't RESPECT THEMSELVES, right Commish?

    1. No matter this has the support of DC residents who are looking out for the overall interests of the public and not some wacked out tree huggers who want just a park and were told 30 years ago this is not going to be a park. This is a development of an unsed industrial site that will now be mixed use and provide jobs, housing and services... It's a Good thing...Charile Brown!

  10. I've lived within a block of the McMillian reservoir site since 1982, and I want something built there. I'm extremely disappointed in the tenor of this online discussion. Beside being uncivil, it really doesn't help to reach any consensus, which is the whole reason it has remained a useless, fenced in wasteland for all this years.

    1. Something that adheres to the Federal Covenants attached to the sale, and agreed to by the District government upon purchase. It is really good to adhere to the law, keep your agreements, and things that involve integrity and honesty, here in "The District of Corruption". The govt. must be punished for "theft of enjoyment" that kept the park, and healthy green space fenced off with barbed wire for 28 years, PUNISHMENT! How can such a massive failure be rewarded by letting this govt. mediocrity run this development, that is backward. They are the last institution that has any credibility to run anything! Just get Barrie Danneker a scholarship to college, and take some grammar and spelling classes.
