
Friday, January 01, 2016

17 U Street NW: four-story building proposed -- BZA hearing on Tuesday, 01-26-2016

From a resident on the unit block of U Street NW:

The owner is proposing a four unit building. 

The Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) hearing is Tuesday, 01-26-2016, at 9:30 AM.

An update from another neighbor:

It's a request for a four story flat - not four units.  In his letter, it says the basement will be separated, but it doesn't even say it will be two flats. 

Application of Christopher J Wright, pursuant to 11 DCMR § 3103.2, for variances from the minimum lot size requirements under § 401.3, the lot occupancy requirements under § 403.2, the rear yard requirements under § 404.1, the open court requirements under § 406.1, and the nonconforming structure requirements under § 2001.3, to construct a four-story flat in the R-4 District at premises 17 U Street N.W. (Square 3117, Lot 3).

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