
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

17 U Street NW zoning variances case continued to Tuesday, 03-01-2016

The owners of 17 U Street NW seeking a few zoning variances recently came before both the Bloomingdale Civic Association and ANC 5E.   Both organizations gave votes of support. The ANC report was added to the record on January 18.

This case was heard before the DC Board of Zoning Adjustment (BZA) today.  The case did not get wrapped up today.  The case will be continued to Tuesday, 03-01-2016. 

Note that the property owners submitted revised plans on Tuesday, 01-19-216. Here is a section from the DC Office of Planning report filed on Wednesday, 01-20-2016.

OP has had numerous discussions with the applicant and preliminary discussions Zoning Administrator staff, and it appears that additional or different relief may be needed, including relief from permitted number of stories for the fourth floor addition. In addition, there are discrepancies regarding calculations within the application that need to be resolved.

While the Applicant has been responsive to requests for clarification, these issues remained when this report was required to be filed. As such, OP cannot provide meaningful analysis of the application at this time, and cannot provide a recommendation. OP will continue to work with the Applicant and DCRA on the details of the application, particularly to resolve the exact types and extent of relief required. If additional information resolution of the issues happens prior to the hearing date, OP may be able to provide a supplemental report, or a recommendation at the hearing.

One item mentioned during today’s BZA hearing was that Zoning signs * may * need to be re-posted. 

If there is enough of a change to trigger re-posting signs, then should the BCA and ANC 5E get an opportunity to review the revised plans and vote on them again? 

I don't know.


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