
Monday, January 25, 2016

ANC 5E 08 Commissioner Austin Pearl has asked to have the unit & 100 blocks of U, V, W & Adams St NW snowplowed

From: Austin Pearl
Date: January 25, 2016 at 11:10:30 AM EST
Subject: Plowing in Bloomingdale
FYI: I've asked the mayors office twice to send plows to the unit and 100 blocks of U, V, W, & Adams. I also specifically said a lot of the streets around the construction site tend to get forgotten about. So far I haven't seen any plows. At this point, I'm urging people to call 311.


  1. Why did he not ask for all of his neighborhood? I am on Flagler and we too, need plowing.

  2. Why did he not ask for all of his neighborhood? I am on Flagler and we too, need plowing.

  3. My understanding is that the unit block of W has seen plows, though I have not ventured there. We haven't been so much as touched on the unit block of V. It's a basic city service. Basic competence in government. No excuse --- It snows in DC in winter. Learn how to deal with it. Plow streets during storms. Buy the right equipment and teach people how to drive it.

  4. According to, W St NW had multiple passes, along with most streets (but far from all) in Bloomingdale and Ledroit Park (i.e. not Flagler either).

    Also (interesting feature) it shows the requests already made in the system-- I see a total of five requests for unit block of V. Hopefully more neighbors take Austin's suggestion and put requests in and get some attention-- though per Marc above, it is a shame we have to clamor for basic city service.

  5. Well, I honestly don't expect the street to be plowed. I think it'll melt before they come by. The point is to get requests in, logged, so when we next greet the DPW commissioner or our councilman, there's something to talk about. I suspect WASA will become the scapegoat because of the construction, which I don't buy at all because I'm sure that dead-ends, somewhere in places where it snows, get plowed. WASA, of course, another public government entity, which expectations of levels of service. If it's their fault, they should get someone out here to deal with it; they managed to get to work in their construction zone this morning, I believe. I was told by a 311 operator, by the way, that they won't accept more than one request from any address -- so I suggest calling with multiple addresses, over and over again. Though one operator the other day told me the system wasn't recognizing ANY addresses on my block, and he blamed his computer. I nearly told him to call the citywide call system to report his computer issue.

    1. As of 10:45pm tonight, plow outside on unit block of V! Though it seems to be really struggling to make progress.
