
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

old news: DC does not not not plow alleys

See this 01-26-2016 message from a neighbor along 1st Street NW in the DC Water 1st Street Tunnel project:

I have just gotten off the phone with 311- operator Dominique.  I explained to Dominque that due to Skanska blocking so many streets, many of us park in the back of our homes in carports or garages.  I asked when would DC plow the allies behind 1st street NW. Imagine my surprise when I was told that 'no alleys will be plowed".  She further stated that if I wanted to pay a private contractor to do our alley, we could.   So if anyone is waiting for the city to plow their alleyway, they can forget it.

Just to make sure that everyone realizes that the DC policy of not plowing alleys is not a new policy.

Perhaps DC Water could be encouraged to plow the alleys that surround the 1st Street Tunnel project areas... ?

I am not sure how Bloomingdale Court NW is treated regarding snowplowing.  It is an official DC street, but is also an alley.   Is it eligible for plowing?  I don't know.

In any event -- might there be interest in someone starting a collection to get some Bloomingdale alleys plowed?


  1. Bloomingdale Ct has been on the official plowing schedule and street sweeping schedule since Mayor Gray came in person to our street naming ceremony 6+ years ago. We have never actually been plowed or swept, mind you, but we are on the schedule. Needless to say, DC has some deep-seeded issues when it comes to providing city services.

  2. To the point of starting a collection for alley snow removal: Bloomingdale Civic Association may want to look at building up an alley snow cleanup fund. Not practicable to be of use in time for cleanup of this storm, as research would be needed in scope of costs (could be prohibitive or not, I have no idea), along with formal consent of members and shared understanding of the covered alleys. But it could provide a comprehensive way to deal with this, and better purchasing power than individuals or blocks on their own.

    Of course, all this is being an unfortunate if possibly realistic substitute for getting a change in the ridiculous no-plowing alleys policy (particularly when they are quasi thoroughfares as now).

  3. Was quite surprised at the Sunday morning trash pickup. We are almost back to normal...but for the snow all over the alley from neighbors who cleaned their yards, roofs and cars by throwing snow into the alley.
