
Saturday, January 16, 2016

have you read the Bloomingdale Village Square project update #3 ?

From: Bertha Holliday
Date: Sat, Jan 9, 2016 at 8:28 PM
 Bloomingdale History Timeline 3 bleeds_update (...


The Bloomingdale Village Square (BVS) Project will hold a half-day Saturday COMMUNITY ​FORUM  in February.  A light lunch will be provided.  The FORUM will focus on:

    • BVS' Community History efforts (including a 'big screen' showing of oral history video and related discussion, and discussion of the Bloomingdale History Timeline and its implications for present-day Bloomingdale; and 

    • A showing and 'walk-thru'​/detailed explanation of a powerpoint presentation of preliminary recommendations of BVS architects, designers, and residents of the types and possible locations of design improvements that might serve to create a stronger sense of place and inclusion.  

As part of the walk-thru, Forum attendees will be asked to​ vet (i.e., indicate support/non-support & provide other comments)  for EACH type of proposed improvement through use of a specially prepared 'Residents Design Opinion Survey'.  Responses will be used in modifying design proposals.

​Keep on the lookout for information on the time and date of the BVS Forum!

2.      We continue to release each week, ​for broad public dissemination, ​a product of BVS​' efforts to date.  Attached is a PDF and Google doc of the BVS Social and Architectural  History of the  Bloomingdale Neighborhood:  1800 -  ​2015.  This version is greatly   expanded from that which appeared in the 2015  BCA House Tour Book, and is fully reference.  Please share with neighbors, friends, your children & youth, and  ​​social media networks.  The Timeline is good and interesting reading!  (Best to navigate document using right & left arrows).

More to come!

Bertha Holliday & Zach Sherif
BVS Project Co-Chairs

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