
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

here is the correct link to the DDOT Crosstown Multimodal Transportation Study

See this 01-19-2016 message from the Chair of the McMillan Advisory Group (MAG):

The link on the previously announced DDOT Crosstown Multimodal Transportation Study is incorrect, doesn’t work, but this one does: 

I would strongly recommend that MAG members ’sign up for alerts’ on this page to keep informed of future briefings, actions, etc. in this study as it progresses.  

One of the two maps Ms. Peterson showed us at the November MAG meeting is on this page.

This page is also a reminder of the previously announced February 2nd 1st public meeting concerning the study at Trinity U., Michigan Ave. & Franklin St. NE, see details on the link above.  

Thank you, -Kirby

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