
Friday, January 29, 2016

Jair Lynch Phase II Parcel 4 Zoning Commission hearing slated for Thursday, 03-10-2016

From: MAG Chairman []
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2016 10:31 PM
Subject: MAG: Jair Lynch Phase II Parcel 4 Zoning Commission Hearing: March 10th

This information just received today on the date and time of the Jair Lynch Phase II Parcel 4 Zoning Commission hearing: March 10th, 6:30pm, at the usual Zoning Hearing location.       

We discussed a pre-hearing statement for this same part of the development at our January meeting, and I’ll put this on the agenda for February for any who wish to take this up in any way.  

  - Our February meeting, on February 11th, will be back at the Summit on T St. NE
  (Inspired Teaching School not available to us in February)

- Tuesday,February 2nd at 6pm is the first DDOT Crosstown Multimodal Transportation Study, at Trinity U.:

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