
Friday, January 08, 2016

The Frugal Planner's Weekly Dispatch, Volume 2, Issue 2

From: Chuck Donalies, CFP® On Behalf Of Chuck Donalies, CFP®
Sent: Friday, January 8, 2016 12:16 PM
Subject: The Frugal Planner's Weekly Dispatch, Volume 2, Issue 2

The Frugal Planner's Weekly Dispatch
Personal Finance, News, Ideas, and Things I Find Interesting

Volume 2, Issue 2
January 8, 2016

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What a Week!

Financial markets certainly went on a wild ride this week. The rollercoaster started with a big selloff on China's stock exchange. China's government attempted to halt the selloff by using a circuit-breaker that halted trading if markets fell too quickly. Unfortunately, this strategy backfired and caused Chinese investors to dump their stocks. In fact, Thursday's trading session was stopped for the day after just 29 minutes. Good news: The circuit-breakers are no longer being used.

Obviously, global financial markets didn't react well to the news coming out of China.

So what does this mean for you and your investments? I believe we're in for more ups and downs in the coming weeks. Some people like riding real rollercoasters, but I don't know anyone that likes a rollercoaster ride in the financial markets (I don't like either type of rollercoaster).

Remember: Don't panic! I'll provide guidance as the year goes on.

My 15 minutes of fame (well, 4:29) started earlier today when I was interviewed on Good Morning Washington: What if You Win the $700 Million Powerball Jackpot?

What If You Win $700 Million?

I had a great opportunity to be interviewed on Friday morning. The topic: What to do if you win the $700 million Powerball jackpot. It's fun to daydream about what do with all that money. Of course I'll probably be accused of providing boring, practical advice.

I enjoyed doing the segment and hope to be invited back for more interviews in the future. Watch the clip and let me know what you think!

Here's the clip! The audio isn't great, but I'll have a better version to share when the studio sends the digital file later today.

Also, that's got to be one of the most unflattering embedded images ever.

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