
Saturday, February 13, 2016

1st Stage PUD McMillan listed under "Proposed Delegated Items" on the 03-03-2016 NCPC draft meeting agenda

See this announcement from the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC).

Bloomingdale residents are invited to note that the McMillan Sand Filtration site is listed under "Proposed Delegated Items."  

Scroll to the 2nd-from-bottom page in the scrollable document below.

Tentative Agenda for March 2016

The tentative agenda for the
National Capital Planning Commission's
Thursday, March 3, 2016 meeting is now available online. 

Items on the tentative agenda include:
* National Museum of the American Army-Founders Hall
(Preliminary and final site and building plans)
* Pentagon Support Operations Center
(Preliminary site and building plans)
* Information Presentation: Consolidated FBI Headquarters - Three Future Alternative Sites
(No action is taken on information presentations) 

The meeting begins at 1:00 pm
401 9th Street, NW, Suite 500N, Washington, DC

Project Materials

Project materials for the March meeting will be available Tuesday, February 16 online.

Live Streaming

To view the March 2016 Commission meeting online:


To receive news from the National Capital Planning Commission register here


National Capital Planning Commission
401 9th Street NW, Suite 500 I Washington, DC 20004
202.482.7200 I

NCPC TentativeAgenda_Current 2016 03 03 by Scott Roberts

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