
Sunday, February 28, 2016

2007 1st St NW permit "review in process" to build a two-family flat at the former A&L Market store site

The former A & L Market at 2007 1st St NW is being developed into a residence.  The property owner pursued and obtained a few zoning exceptions/variances.

This permit has a status of "Review in Process."

ISSUED DATE Address PER SUB TYPE SSL Applicant Owner Name Description of Work
2/25/2016 2007 1ST ST NW Addition Alteration Repair 3117    0073 MICHAEL  PIETSCH Michael  Pietsch
A Level 3 alteration and change of use for an additional two stories on top of a single story commercial property and a basement underneath. This will create a Single Family Residence with an accessory dwelling unit in basement. Two- Family
APPROVED VARIANCE Application No. 18912 for variances from lot occupancy requirements, minimum rear yard requirements, non-conforming structure requirements and off street parking requirements. DEMOLITION, EROSION, AND SEDIMENT CONTROL Covered under previous Demolition Permit D1500344, Excavation Permit EX1500029, and Foundation Permit FD1500079 and B1506946.

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