
Friday, February 05, 2016

A Very Special Thank You to the Fifth District's Citizens Advisory Council

Note 5D CAC Vice Chair Robert Brannum in the first photo below.
Sent: Friday, February 5, 2016 7:27 AM
To: MPD <>
Cc: Palmer, Kevin (MPD) <>
Subject: [MPD-5D] ​A Very Special Thank You to the Fifth District's Citizens Advisory Council

​Good Morning 5D Community,

Please join me in thanking the 5D CAC for their generous support and helping hands in showing the community's appreciation for the Fifth District Officers.  Many of the Fifth District Officers stayed in the 5D station during the snowzilla event of January, 2016; sleeping on cots, eating what they could, and shoveling snow from walkways, the parking lot and off the cruisers so that they could remain mobile and responsive to the community they have sworn to protect and serve.   As a very special thank you, the 5D CAC provide and meal fitting the superb service provided by the 5D Officers.   The 5D CAC provided the 5D midnight and day shift Officers with a hearty morning meal of bacon, salmon cakes, grits, chicken and waffles, AND eggs to order. The evening shift enjoyed chicken and waffles, hamburger and chicken sliders, hotdogs and fries.   We are truly grateful that the CAC has thanked us for our service in this very special way, reported Officer Wise and wasted no time in seeking out the CAC members who attended the event to thank them personally.  Feeding the 5D staff was an epic event that started at 3am and continued across the three shifts to ensure all troops were fed, please join me in thanking the 5D CAC, 5D Command, 5D Cook team members, and volunteers who made sure the 5D officers are shown how much they are appreciated.     

The 5D MPD chef and sous-chef team members and the 5D CAC Chair, Mrs. Frances Penn and Vice Chair Mr. Robert Brannum

Serving the troops was an epic event; the volunteers and team members had to serve the troops quickly  

A special thank you to "Chef" Hamilton 

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