
Thursday, February 25, 2016

Bloomingdale historic preservation education: neighborhood Historic District designation does NOT impact a conversion in R-4 to multple dwellng units

Washington Business Journal reporter Michael Neibauer periodically reviews DC permits issued. 
See this item for the LeDroit Park Historic District, next door to Bloomingdale, from his permit review today:

338 U St. NW: Conversion of this LeDroit Park rowhouse into a two-unit dwelling, with separate HVAC, hot water and electric services.

Note that this property – 338 U St NW – is being converted to a two-family flat.

Note that the Historic District designation status of LeDroit Park does NOT impact the R-4 zoning for the neighborhood, which allows for multiple dwelling units per lot.  The neighborhood Historic District designation does not prevent the property owner from converting away from a single family dwelling.

Of course, if the front of the property were to be changed -- or side of the house if at a corner or abutting an alley -- then such renovations WOULD need to go before the Historic Preservation Review Board.

But a simple SFD to a two-family flat conversion itself -- allowed under R-4 zoning -- would not need the attention of the HPRB.

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