
Thursday, February 11, 2016

? lost cat around 2nd & Adams St NW ?

See this 02-10-2016 message:

We've been seeing an orange cat around 2nd and Adams NW for the past couple of weeks that we had not seen before (picture attached).  It is an adult and appears ravenously hungry and domesticated (it has a collar, but no identifying information).  Can you please post something on the blog and see if anyone is looking for it, given the coming cold weather?  Many thanks in advance.


  1. Please reach out to me if you see it again... I can take it to WHS to get scanned for a microchip. Enotsnil at gmail

  2. You can also contact Washington Humane Society's Animal Control services directly at 202-576-6664, but feel free to reach out to me as well if you need help trapping kitty and getting it to WHS.

  3. This looks like the cat that belongs to an older gentleman I know. His house is 1819 N Capitol St NE. (It could be 1821 or 1817 - I'm not a 100% sure. But it's one of those three). He loves this cat, but it occasionally escapes. I've taken it back to him a number of times. The cat is extremely friendly and nice. If you can, please pick it up and take it to him - he loves this cat!

  4. Update: We were finally able to pick up the unaltered male cat yesterday and brought it over to the NY Avenue Shelter (sorry, we missed your post yesterday). They said they would check him for a chip and he would be there in holding for 5 days, at which point they would fix him and put him out for adoption. Andyo, if you could please let the older gentleman you speak of know, would be great. Hope it's his. It was a very nice cat that we called "Romeo" for his pre-Valentine's day appearance.
