
Thursday, February 11, 2016

McMillan-related: blog talk radio with Ryan Rocks

Something McMillan-related:

. RYAN ROCKS IT! with Amal Mimish, Commun... hosted by Nancy Ryan

RYAN ROCKS IT! with Amal Mimish, Community Organizer & Prospective Law Student.

Ryan Rocks It Asbury Park Style, (live talk radio show).  I am pleased and so excited to interview my Niece, Amal Mimish, Community Organizer & Prospective Law Student - Washington, DC.  I am pleased and so excited to interview my Niece, Amal Mimish on Thursday 2/11/2016 at 5:30 PM.  To listen live call the studio # 213.943.3559 or go to
I spent a wonderful 4 days with my niece a few months ago.  I had never been to Washington, DC before so you can imagine what a thrill it was for me.  I really enjoyed spending time with my family, seeing the City, the White House and Lincoln Center, etc.  I also had the opportunity of taking many great photos which is one of my major hobbies.  I loved the Washington, DC City atmosphere and was in photo heaven.  I will be posting photos at a later date for your enjoyment!

People, get ready for a super informative and interesting conversation regarding "Save McMillan Park" and also saving "Union Arts DC".  Just to let you know this is the first time that I am interviewing a family member.  It is also the first time I am stepping out to speak on a SENSITIVE ISSUE.  The issue of HISTORY!  The second day of my visit Amal asked me if I would like to go on a (Peoples Tour of the Historic McMillan Park), and that we did and so much more.  Amal and her surprise guest will tell you all about this passionate group of people and what they are doing to SAVE a part of this Historic Park for the generations to come.  As stated above there will also be some discussion regarding the "Union Arts DC" building.  BTW, both "Save McMillan Park" and "Union Arts DC" have facebook pages.  

Be sure to tune in for an informative, interesting and above all else - FUN, FUN, FUN time with me and my niece, Amal.
Peace, Nancy 

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