
Thursday, February 11, 2016

meeting tonight of the McMilan Advisory Group (MAG)

See the post over the MAG blog.

From: MAG Chairman []
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2016 10:54 AM
Subject: MAG: Reminder, meeting tonight; proposed agenda for the Thursday, February 11th MAG meeting -Kirby

Reminder of tonight’s meeting.

See the proposed agenda for tonight’s meeting, resending, no proposed changes received thus far.  -Kirby

The MAG meets  on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7PM.  Our current meeting place is the Inspired Teaching School, 200 Douglas St. NE (the old Shaed Elementary), or at the Summit at St. Martin’s, 116 T St. NE, depending on room availability.  All meetings are open to the public. Kirby’s cellphone: 202 213 2690. 

On Feb 8, 2016, at 1:14 PM, MAG Chairman wrote:

Proposed agenda for the Thursday, February 11th MAG meeting at the Summit, 116 T St. NE (second floor meeting room) at 7pm.

- DC Department of  Transportation Crosstown Multimodal Transportation Study:
  discussion of the first public meeting last week and suggestion that the MAG encourage our communities to participate by looking at the web site for the project ( ) and in particular to contribute to the interactive improvements map ( we can note current and anticipated traffic problems and make suggestions for improvement.

  These links work for me only with a Firefox web browser but are otherwise self-explanatory.  There are some gaps in historical traffic studies available to this process that clearly could be a helpful addition.  None, for example, for Bloomingdale or Stronghold so far.

- Discussion of Zoning Commission hearing on the Jair Lynch buildings, February 8th ‘proposed action’ on the buildings adjacent to 1st St. NW (case 13-14A) and the March 10th scheduled first hearing on the grocery store building (case 13-14B). 

- Other housekeeping and community concerns.

Thank you, -Kirby Vining

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