
Monday, February 22, 2016

message for visitors of Crispus Attucks Park: please be gentle on the lawn & keep your dogs leashed

See this 02-22-2016 message:

Hello Crispus Attucks Park friends!

Please remember to be gentle on the lawn at the park when its wet. We've had so much rain and snow that the grass is really saturated and easily damaged. We already have significant mud patches in the park.

Please keep your dogs leashed and do not allow them to run and tear up the grass. If you're playing a game, please play in drier areas.

Thanks so much--this will make for healthier grass in the spring and summer!

--CADC Board

1 comment:

  1. About 2 weeks ago I asked a dog owner to leash her dog (running madly about) in this park and she said "the other users of the park didn't mind when I asked them." I said that I minded. Why do some of these dog owners think they can ask for permission to break the rule whenever they want to? I'm also sick of the little plastic bags of dog poop on the pavements in BloomingdaleDC that don't seem to make it into the trash bin, just on the ground beside the trash bin. What, it's too hard to make sure it goes in when it's tossed from afar?
