
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

message from Samsara House 2023: “April 2 – 3: Save the date, register now and save money! #wakingdown”

From: Cullen Kowalski
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 6:58 PM Subject: April 2-3: Save the date, register now and save money! #‎wakingdown

Save the date, register now and save money! ‪#‎wakingdown
Find out why Waking Up is only the tip of the iceberg when considering what is possible in meditative practice and how Waking Down in Mutuality is a critical next step for mankind.

For those who are ready to awaken to a new level of consciousness, beyond mindfulness and contemplation, to a consciousness that doesn’t require that you to sit alone.  For those who have an impassioned commitment to humanity, to the planet, and to their own awakening -- it will require new skills, new ways of being and relating that you won’t find through traditional paths of development.

A (very) introductory class of this type of meditation was offered at last year's With Love DC Yoga Festival by its broader name "The White Hot Yoga of the Heart."  Maybe you were there.  If you didn't participate in that class and you are curious, there's a $10-$20 introductory gathering being planned for Friday evening, April 1 to get a taste. Waking Down in Mutuality is not just another path to consider, it is a whole new way of being that will transcend, include and hold in many ways whatever practice you may be trying to perfect.

Founding Members of Ken Wilber's Integral Institute, Waking Down in Mutuality Founder Saniel Bonder and Linda Groves-Bonder coming to the Washington D.C. area!

Saturday, April 2, 2016 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
& Sunday, April 3, 2016, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Human Sun Weekend Retreat
A direct, rapid path to your embodied awakening and unification of spiritual freedom and everyday living, with Saniel Bonder and Linda Groves-Bonder. Saniel is the founder of the international Waking Down in Mutuality® (WDM) work and Linda is a longtime Waking Down senior teacher and co-founder with Saniel of Human Sun Institute. They both are eager to join us here in the D.C. Metro area for this potent two-day retreat.

Saturday, April 2, 10 am - 6 pm, Sunday, April 3, 10 am - 5 pm. In addition, there will be an introductory gathering on Friday evening, April 1. Details to follow.

Realize the Heart and Heal Your Spirit/Matter Split
Embodied awakening has become a central pursuit for many people today who are no longer willing to have their spirituality separate from their everyday lives, relationships, obligations, responsibilities -- and very crowded to-do lists!

The revelation of Waking Down in Mutuality stands among the leading-edge of spiritual paths which can turn all our actions into the ultimate recognition and expression of the divinely human Heart of our total existence. In essence, Waking Down in Mutuality is an experiential evolutionary spiritual practice that helps us awaken, heal and connect with and through others, as well as in ourselves. Waking Down in Mutuality offers humanity the potential to land in a stage of unshakable awakening bodily as consciousness itself, a second birth, a new way of life.

If you have any interest whatsoever in accelerating your own awakening and streamlining your further healing, growth, and full expression of your life-purpose, please don't miss this extraordinary weekend with Saniel and Linda as well as other local awakened and awakening Waking Down practitioners. Each day will include gazing and meditation, music and movement (bring your instruments and playlists!), poetry and creative expression, as well as teaching presentations and Q&A. Come join us for a heart-full, juicy weekend!

Everyone welcome. Invite your friends.

$325 through March 1, 2016
$395 through April 1, 2016

Register & Pay Using Your Bank Account with Paypal (preferred and saves money with no fees)

Register & Pay Using Debit or Credit Card with Webstore
(Note: Earlybird discount applied when item moved to cart)

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