
Thursday, March 10, 2016

2nd Eckington Town Hall on Neighborhood Historic District Designation -- Wednesday, 03-16-2016

Historic Designation Upcoming Events and Information

Walt Cain <>: Mar 09 02:59PM -0500

Second Town Hall on Historic District Designation

The Eckington Civic Association (ECA) will host the second of three town halls on historic district designation at 7 PM on Wednesday, March 16 in the second floor community room of the Summit at St. Martin’s (116 T St NE). The panelists for the town hall include:

· Kim Elliot, DC Historic Preservation Office

o Kim will speak to the process for homeowners who want/need to do work on their homes in a historic district. Specifically, what kind of work requires what level of approval, what information homeowners have to provide, the role of desk reviewers/what they look for, how reviewers can assist homeowners, as well as information about the Homeowner Grant Program.

· Joel Lawson, Development Review Division, DC Office of Planning

o Joel will speak to the various types of zones in Eckington, the different effect on pop-ups between the recent R-4 rule change and historic designation, and zoning issues in historic districts generally.

· Greta Fuller, Homeowner in the Anacostia Historic District

o Greta will share the perspective of a homeowner currently living in a DC historic district. She will speak to issues of home repair, impact on senior citizens, and cost associated with historic designation.

· Peter Sefton, Historian with QED Associates

o Peter will provide updates on the architectural, cultural, and social history of Eckington found through research since the first town hall.

The event will last two hours with the first hour dedicated to panelist presentations and the second hour reserved for a Q&A session between the audience and panelists. In order to get to as many questions as possible and to maintain an orderly meeting, audience members will be provided notecards and pens to write down their questions for the panelists. The questions will then be read by a moderator and the panelists given the chance to respond.

If you are unable to attend and have a question you would like addressed, please send an email to We will ask the questions at the town hall and include the response in the meeting minutes.

Added Event: Workshop on Energy Efficiency and Window Repairs in Older Homes

In response to feedback received after the first town hall, ECA has partnered with the DC Preservation League to present a workshop on how to maximize energy efficiency in older homes.

Come learn about energy audits and what home improvements are the most cost effective with particular attention to the issue of window repair, replacement, and integrity.

Speakers are Nakita Reed, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, GGP, a managing member of ENCORE Sustainable Design, working to combine historic preservation with energy efficiency and sustainable design; and John Sandor, an architectural historian and expert in the repair and replacement of windows in historic buildings.

The workshop will be from 1:00 – 3:00 PM on Saturday, April 9 in the Pioneer Room at St. Martin’s Catholic Church (1908 North Capitol St. NW – please use the 7 T St. NW entrance)

This is a FREE event open to the public.

Click Here to let us know you are coming!

Minutes From First Town Hall and Survey Results

The meeting minutes from the first town hall can be found here and the results of the online survey taken after the first town hall can be found here.

Please be sure to visit for more information and reach out to with any questions!

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