
Friday, March 18, 2016

Historic Preservation Education: latest HPRB actions (from 02/25 and 03/03/2016)

Note that 1850 5th Street NW in the LeDroit Park Historic District is on the agenda.

Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 9:17 AM
Subject: [HistoricWashington]
HPRB ACTIONS - February 25 and March 3, 2016

Greetings:   Videos of the hearing may be viewed the hearing at this URL:   Please select "View Video Archives 2012-Present".

The agenda and staff reports for these dates are accessible on our website at:


February 25, 2016

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items. Present: Gretchen Pfaehler (Chair), Andrew Aurbach, Graham Davidson, Nancy Metzger, Joseph Taylor, and Charles Wilson.  Absent: Rauzia Ally.


Southern Railway Building, 1500 K Street NW, Case 11-05.

The Board designated the Southern Railway Building, 1500 K Street NW, a historic landmark in the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites, and requested that the nomination be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places for listing at the local level of significance with a Period of Significance of 1929.  The Board received no ANC resolution taken on this owner-sponsored historic landmark case.  Vote: 6-0.

Lincoln Playground Fieldhouse, 555 L Street SE, Case 15-02.

The Board designated the Lincoln Playground Field House, 555 L Street SE, a historic landmark in the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites, and requested that the nomination be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places for listing as of local significance, with a period of significance of 1934.  The Board requested that the nomination be revised to improve the description of the property, including dimensions of the building and site, and to include more information about the physical evolution of the surrounding playground.  The Board received no ANC resolution on this matter.  Vote: 6-0.


6825 16th Street NW, HPA 16-158, concept/gym addition and alterations to Delano Hall for school.

The Board supported the concept and recommended the following revisions: (1) that the fiber-cement panels be a warmer and darker color, as recommended by ANC 4B and the staff report, especially at the hyphen; (2) that the pavilion on the west side of the new wing be clad in brick matching the rest of the wing; (3) that the applicant consider some revision to the new wing’s south end; (4) that a darker and perhaps different material be used for the wing’s masonry base, and that it be depicted in detail; (5) that a new material, closer to the family of materials on the campus and possibly brick, be considered for the cladding of the gym and that fiber-cement be used as an accent material rather than the primary one; (6) that more information be provided about the location and character of storm-water management measures and mechanical equipment and its screening; (7) that the canopy at the southeast corner of the building either fit the height, shape and width of the opening below or be more distinct from it; and (8) that solar panels not be placed on the roof of the building’s central section and that the staff bring back before the Board any proposed solar-panel support structures if it questions their compatibility. Vote: 6-0.  The Board had not yet received a resolution from ANC 4A.


1901-1905 9½ Street NW, HPA 16-101, new construction, roof and rear additions.

The Board found the concept incompatible and directed the applicants to design the third floors on all three buildings to occupy approximately half of the footprint.  Vote: 5-1.


Chevy Chase Arcade, 5520 Connecticut Avenue NW, HPA 16-154, replace iron gates with glass doors.

The Board found the installation of doors compatible with the character of the landmark and delegated final approval to staff.  Vote: 6-0.


1508, 1510 and 1512 21st Street NW, HPA 16-148, concept/five-story addition behind and above three rowhouses.

The Board concurred with the HPO staff report in its recommendations to (1) reduce the height of the addition by one story (on 1510 and 1512) and minimize the amount that the addition overlaps the main block of the house; (2) Maintain more of the party wall and original structural elements; (3) Conduct a new flag test when massing changes have been resolved; (4) The Board’s recommendation should not be constructed as endorsement for any necessary zoning relief. The ANC resolution agreed to support the project only if the 5th floor was removed.

The Board also referred to the HPO guidelines and the importance of meeting these thresholds for scale, massing, height, rooftop additions, and rear additions.  Vote: 5-1.


1706 V Street NW, HPA 16-094, concept/new multi-unit residential building.

The Board approved the staff report and found the current concept compatible with the character of the historic district and consistent with the preservation act and delegate further review to staff. The Board did not agree with ANC-1C’s assessment that the height, alignment of facades, and massing and setbacks were incompatible as the ANC resolution stated.  Vote: 6-0.


3515 Woodley Road NW, HPA 16-144, concept/reconstruction of single-family house.

The Board found the concept compatible with the historic district and delegated final approval to staff with the condition the covenant currently in development is finalized before issuance of the permit. The motion is consistent ANC-3C’s resolution. Vote: 5-1 (Aurbach opposed).

March 3, 2016

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items. Present: Gretchen Pfaehler (Chair), Graham Davidson, Nancy Metzger and Charles Wilson.


501 H Street NW, HPA 16-006, concept/alteration and additional floors on one-story garage.

The HPRB voted to accept the concept of a rear and garage rooftop addition contingent on a preservation plan being developed for the existing structures (addressing masonry work, window and door repair/replacement, and storefront reconstruction).  As design work continues on the addition, the glazing for the hyphen should be developed with fritted or other glass that provides some level of privacy and doesn’t result in a large light box at night, and the Board encouraged retention/reconstruction of the stepped parapet above the garage as part of the composition for the new addition.  The Board noted that no ANC resolution had been received, encouraged the applicant to contact the ANC, and asked that the project return to the Board when appropriate.  Vote:  4-0.


1101-1111 16th Street NW, HPA 16-157, concept/façade alterations to non-contributing buildings.

The HPRB supported the general concept and materials proposed but found the size and extent of glazing in the bays to be too great, and the masonry spacing between the projections too small.  The applicants were asked to study alternatives that provided greater overall unity to the design and return to the Board when appropriate.  The Board acknowledged the letter of support from the ANC.  No vote was taken.


The Board approved the following items on the consent calendar on February 25, 2016 by a vote of 5-0 (Ally and Wilson absent).


Western High School (Duke Ellington School of the Arts), 3500 R Street NW, HPA 14-133, materials. 

The Board acknowledged the ANC’s support and recommended that: (1) the fly loft and penthouse not be white, i.e., that it should be less reflective than the rest of the building; (2) and that the balustrade atop the building not be a pure white; and (3) that adequate consideration be given to the details of the curtain wall.


125 D Street SE, HPA 16-005, concept/rear addition.

647 South Carolina Avenue SE, HPA 16-203, concept/rear addition.

231 10th Street SE, HPA 16-209, concept/garage addition.  The Board requested that the height be reduced to 20’6”.

229 10th Street SE, HPA 16-207, concept/rear addition and garage addition.


1336 14th Street NW, HPA 16-151, concept/exterior alterations and addition.


1850 5th Street NW, HPA 16-204, concept/new rowhouse.


1100 Alabama Avenue SE, HPA 16-106, installation of solar arrays on carports and the rooftop of the new hospital building.


1922 11th Street NW, HPA 16-105, rear and roof addition.  The Board requested that a flag test be conducted to see if the roof needs to be flattened to avoid visibility from the front.

1813 12th Street NW, HPA 16-140, rear addition.  The Board recommended that the side have a more durable material than stucco at its base.

1514 Swann Street NW, HPA 16-153, roof addition and infill court.  The Board requested that the roof deck be pulled back farther to make certain it is not visible from the ground.

919 R Street NW, HPA 16-206, roof addition.

Transcripts of Historic Preservation Review Board Meetings may be purchased from the court reporting agency that covered this hearing – Olender Reporting, Inc. (202) 898-1108, ,or . Copies of individual staff reports that are prepared in advance of the hearing are posted on our website at

Bruce Yarnall • Historic Preservation Operations Manager
DC Office of Planning
1100 4th Street SW, Suite E650 • Washington, DC 20024

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