
Sunday, March 27, 2016

Samsara House message: Please read this, see if you feel called to come this time: Explore your own body’s Heart-Way with us next weekend April 2-3

From: Cullen Kowalski []
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2016 1:06 PM
To: Wake Up <>
Subject: Please read this, see if you feel called to come this time: Explore your own body’s Heart-Way with us next weekend April 2-3

You might have heard people talking about Waking Down in Mutuality or Saniel Bonder.  Well, he and his wife are in town for an exceptional visit, next week, and this is your chance to come meet them and get a taste of what it means to Wake Down and in Mutuality.

If you do not feel called this time to do a deep dive or it's just too cost prohibitive right now, then that's okay too (although there is financial assistance offered below). However, if you can make it Friday night, only $20 is requested to attend so it's an easy way to come sit and see what this whole body awakened consciousness is all about--it's not your average run of the mill non-dual awakening or any other heart work I assure you!  Come check it out.  

To Register for Friday evening only: click here

To Register for the weekend retreat, click button below.
With Love,


Explore your own body’s Heart-Way with us at a regional retreat — Human Sun/Waking Down® regional events now scheduled in Washington DC (next weekend!), Chicago, and Atlanta 

Don't be misled by the names "Human Sun" and "Waking Down." These retreats are not about “teachings,” collections of ideas and concepts out there that may or may not be of interest to you. These retreats are about helping you discover the unique Heart-Way of your own ongoing, whole-body emergence. They are signal lights, helping you like the North Star as you make your journey through this life, this world, this reality that is intrinsically yours and yet also includes everyone and everything other, else, different, and apart. Phrases like “Human Sun” and “Waking Down in Mutuality®” are only intended to help illumine the inconceivably intimate adventure of how you are crystallizing, clarifying, emerging into your unique life and all of your relatedness right now. 

linda_with_group.jpgJoin us and a group of fellow explorers for a weekend in the Washington DC area coming up next week, Chicago in mid-May, or Atlanta in mid-June. We can hardly wait to meet with the group convening in DC (actually Arlington, VA). Such a diverse, dynamic, serious, playful, committed, fierce, talented, heart-full, passionate, intelligent group of practitioners! Even though it’s only a week away, if you feel a somewhat irrational prompt to join us, if your body is telling you that you, it, are supposed to be there, well … let your body be your guide.

Bodies need the life-juices, the Heart-nectar, of what happens when our kind of folks get face to face for extended meetings. With an energizing, sometimes surprising mix of spontaneity and structure, formal consideration and creative expression, these retreats are 
seriously juicy.

Reduced fees: Both early registration and full fees this year are $50 less than last year.

Summary: Human Sun/Waking Down weekend retreats -- in person with Saniel and Linda

·  Washington, DC: April 2-3

·  Chicago: May 14-15

·  Atlanta: June 18-19 

(We’re also in the planning stages for at least one other regional weekend retreat this year which we hope to announce soon.) 

Fee: $325 if purchased up to 1 month before the retreat, $395 afterwards. If you need financial assistance, let us know at; we’ll do our best to work with you. 


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