
Thursday, April 14, 2016

Historic Preservation Education: a sample "HPRB Actions" message

If Bloomingdale were to become a DC Historic District, then any decisions made by the DC Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) for Bloomingdale addresses would appear on the HPRB report below.

Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 9:54 AM
Subject: [HistoricWashington] HPRB ACTIONS - March 24 and March 31, 2016

This document and related staff reports are posted on the website at: 



March 24, 2016

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items. Present: Rauzia Ally, Gretchen Pfaehler (Chair), Graham Davidson, Nancy Metzger, Joseph Taylor, and Charles Wilson.  Absent: Andrew Aurbach.


Control Point Virginia Tower, 2nd Street and Virginia Avenue SW, Case 15-12.

The Historic Preservation Office recommends that the Board designate the Control Point Virginia Tower a historic landmark in the D.C. Inventory of Historic Sites, and that it request the nomination be forwarded to the National Register of Historic Places for listing as of local significance, with a period of significance of 1904, the approximate date of construction, to the 1980s, when the railroad switching system was converted to remote digital operations.  The Board recommended a revised boundary described by metes and bounds, with the western boundary to abut the 2nd Street right-of-way.  The Board also requested that there be more description of the site, including the supporting steel structure and surrounding perimeter wall that meets the bridge abutment.  Vote: 5-0.

Glenwood Cemetery, 2219 Lincoln Road NE, Case 15-24 [deferred at request of applicant]


1120 Park St NE, HPA 16-104, concept/garage roof deck. 

The Board found the project, which was supported by the ANC, to be compatible with the Capitol Hill historic district with the condition that the railing is pushed back 3’ from the alley side. The Board asked the applicant to work with staff on the final detailing and delegated final approval to staff. Vote: 5-0.

649 Constitution Ave NE, HPA 16-242, concept/new deck on existing garage.

The Board found the concept, which was supported by the ANC, to be compatible with the Capitol Hill historic district. The Board stipulated that the vinyl siding should be removed or modified and the railing design should be studied in consultation with HPO. The Board delegated final approval to staff. Vote: 6-0.


2000 Florida Avenue, NW, HPA 16-258, concept/exterior alteration to American Geophysical Union.

The Board found the design concept to be worthy of further development but directed the applicant to examine the presence and scale of the canopy, re-evaluate the updated window configurations and curtain wall, and study the details of the existing building and alterations.  Vote:5-0.

1711 Rhode Island Avenue, NW, HPA 16-255, concept/exterior alteration.

The HPRB found the general concept plan to be compatible with the recommendation that the base of the building, the secondary and tertiary metal skin and the landscape plan continue to be refined in coordination with HPO.  Final approval was delegated to staff. Vote:  6-0.


Cleveland Park Library, 3310 Connecticut Avenue NW, revised concept.

The Board fully supported the revised concept and recommended that significant refinements be limited to simplifying the limestone cladding through the use of regular coursing, and clarifying the point of entry by exposing the stair on the left side of the bifurcated opening in the library’s southeast corner.  The Board also emphasized the importance of ensuring that the landscape elements were compatible with their surroundings and coordinated with the ANC.  The staff report was unanimously adopted and all remaining design details were delegated to staff.  Vote 5-0


605-607 New York Ave NW, HPA 16-240, concept/deconstruct and rebuild 2 contributing buildings.

The Board expressed its acceptance that dismantling and reconstructing the two buildings was the probably the best method to ensure their preservation but deferred taking an action until receiving a written methodology for the dismantling and reconstruction.  Given the urgency of the buildings’ condition, it was recommended that this be provided to the members prior to the meeting on March 31st and the case could be approved on the consent calendar.  No vote taken on March 24. 

The Board offered several recommendations to staff regarding specifics of the plans presented by the applicant on March 31 during Consent Calendar. The project was approved incorporating the recommendations on a vote of 5-0.


Tregaron, 3100 Macomb Street NW, HPA 16-053, concept/construction of new  classroom building and site alterations  [deferred at request of applicant]

March 31, 2016

The Historic Preservation Review Board met and considered the following items. Present: Rauzia Ally,  Gretchen Pfaehler (Chair), Andrew Aurbach, Graham Davidson, and Nancy Metzger.  Absent: Joseph Taylor and Charles Wilson.


411 New Jersey Avenue SE, HPA 16-248, concept/new construction. [deferred at request of applicant]


3512 Lowell Street NW, HPA 16-252, concept/two story addition, raze garage.

The Board found the proposed addition and landscape modifications compatible with the house and historic district with the condition the applicant work with staff on the selection and simplification of landscape materials, including fencing, at the front of the property.  The Board further recommended wood instead of the proposed aluminum clad replacement windows and retaining and restoring the front door and surround. The Board suggested the addition’s foundation be minimized to reduce the impact on the large elm tree located in the backyard and also suggested the project’s arborist consult with the city arborist on care and preservation of the tree. The Board found razing the garage incompatible and recommended restoring and reusing the building. The Board also found the proposed location of the pool enclosure fence incompatible and recommended moving it back further in the yard.  The Board’s motion was largely in keeping with ANC3-C’s resolution on the project, which included opposition to razing the garage and the location of the proposed pool enclosure fence; recommending wood instead of aluminum clad windows and doors; and concerns about the impact of the addition on the elm tree. Vote: 5-0.

3700 Connecticut Ave NW, HPA 16-210, concept/raze noncontributing building;  new three-story single family house.   [deferred at request of applicant]


2649 Connecticut Ave NW, HPA 16-147, concept/rear and roof addition.

The Board found the concept compatible with the character of the commercial area of the Woodley Park Historic District with consideration for a lighter brick color on the rear addition, minimally sized roof deck, and a restorative treatment for the front roof, gutter, and downspout.  The Board delegated final approval to the HPO. Vote: 5-0.


6833 4th Street NW (Takoma Theater), HPA 13-467, revised concept/add windows, restore façade.

The Board found the proposed concept compatible with the character of the historic district and requested that the neighborhood be given the opportunity to review the final plans for permitting. Vote: 5-0.


2341 Ashmead Place NW, HPA 16-055, concept/rear and roof additions and front areaway alterations.

The Board did not find the concept for a roof addition or rear stairs compatible with the character of the Kalorama Triangle Historic District. Vote: 5-0.


The Board approved the following items on the consent calendar on March 24, 2016 by a vote of 5-0.


328 D St SE, HPA 16-246, concept/rear addition.

734 3rd St NE, HPA 16-261, concept/rear addition, raze garage, & façade repairs.  The Board concurred with the items A through D raised in the ANC resolution and especially asked to see resolved a potential three-foot discrepancy in the proposed depth of the addition.

222 G St NE, HPA 16-260, concept/infill dogleg and replace windows.  The Board asked to see resolved an inconsistency on the drawings regaring the proportions of the “dogleg.”


1334 Riggs Street NW, HPA 16-196, concept/ third floor addition to two-story rowhouse.  The Board requested that the roof deck be set farther rearward and that the rear addition—if there were any question of its potential visibility from the street—could also be set farther back.


1806 9th Street NW, HPA 16-200, concept/rear addition and infill dogleg.

944 Westminster Street NW, HPA 15-630, concept/extend existing third floor, add roof deck. 

The Board requested that the height of the stair enclosure be the minimum necessary for its function.

1901-1905 9½ Street NW, HPA 16-101, revised concept/infill construction and rear/ roof additions. 

The Board requested that the roof addition not read as a single undifferentiated façade stretching across the three houses, rather that it be detailed as three set-back additions.  The Board also stressed that no decks in front of the addition(s) and no mechanical be conspicuous.


The Board approved the following item on the consent calendar on March 31, 2016 by a vote of 5-0.


2144 California Street, NW, HPA 16-297, concept/exterior alterations.

The Board approved under Consent Calendar by a vote of 5-0 on March 31, 2016, the following case:


605-607 New York Ave NW, HPA 16-240, concept/deconstruct and rebuild 2 contributing buildings. See March 24 entry for additional details.


Transcripts of Historic Preservation Review Board Meetings may be purchased from the court reporting agency that covered this hearing – Olender Reporting, Inc. (202) 898-1108, ,or . Copies of individual staff reports that are prepared in advance of the hearing are posted on our website at

Bruce Yarnall • Historic Preservation Operations Manager
DC Office of Planning
1100 4th Street SW, Suite E650 • Washington, DC 20024

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