
Thursday, May 05, 2016

final Eckington Civic Association Historic District Designation Town Hall -- Monday, 05-09-2016

Final Town Hall on Historic Designation
Walt Cain <>: May 04 10:38AM -0400

The Eckington Civic Association will host its final town hall on historic district designation at 7 PM on Monday, May 9 in the second floor community room at the Summit at St Martin’s (116 T St NE).

During the town hall community members will hear from three panelists, have the opportunity to ask questions of the panelists, and also share their thoughts on historic designation in an open forum. Residents wishing to participate in the open forum will need to sign up on a sheet at the town hall and will then be given two minutes each to speak during the final third of the event.

The panelists for the town hall include:

Michael Lee Beidler, Principal, Trout Design Studio.

Mr. Beidler will pull from his experience as an architect working in Washington, DC for over 25 years to speak to the differences in performing work on single family homes and commercial projects both inside and outside of a historic district. He will address the differing burdens and benefits to property owners wanting to repair or add-on to their homes in a historic district versus outside of a historic district and also the impact of building in a historic district on commercial developers.

Kim Williams, D.C. Historic Preservation Office (HPO)

Ms. Williams will layout the review and consideration process used by HPO and the Historic Preservation Review Board (HPRB) in evaluating an application for historic district designation. Her presentation will address the various steps in the process between when an application is submitted to HPO and when a decision is made by HPRB, including community notification, opportunity for community input/feedback, and what factors HPO and HPRB use in evaluating an application.

Peter Sefton, Historian, QED Associates

Mr. Sefton will identify possible boundary lines and periods of importance for an Eckington Historic District. His presentation will focus on what physical/architectural elements contribute to the significance of Eckington historically, where those features are found, and the years of significance when these elements were constructed.

Please visit for more information.

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