
Sunday, June 12, 2016

a Bryant St NW pop-up serves as a laugh line on the Saturday, 06-11-2016, Bloomingdale walking tour

See this tweet from the Saturday, 06-11-2016, Washington Walks #walkingtour of Bloomingdale:

David Rotenstein@iVernacular                      Washington, DC
pop-up with aspirations of architectural grandeur is instead a laugh line in…
2:30 PM - 11 Jun 2016


  1. Wow how nice of David to insult someone's home. I happen to know one of the residents of this house and she's a lovely person.

    Tell me David, did you or anyone else on this tour go up and knock on their door to share your opinion. It takes some courage to do that, doubtful....

  2. Did they have the courage to tell them. I don't know , but it certainly took a load of Chutspa to design and build that hideous pop-up, just to gouge a few more bucks for some crazy atrocious rent from some nice people. I'm sure the owner is living under the poverty level and "god bless" them they are eeking out a subsistence living.

    1. What does this owners' (not a rental) economic situation have to do with anything, Daniel?
