
Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Eckington Civic Association: "Thank you to all who participated"

From the Eckington list at Google Groups -- regarding the Monday night, 06-06-2016, Eckington Civic Association meeting:
Eckington Civic Association  
9:34 PM

Dear neighbors,

At last night’s ECA meeting, the civic association voted against continuing exploration of historic designation. We also voted to divide the $15,000 donation from the Eckington Yards Community Benefits Agreement between Coalition for the Homeless, Inc. (which operates Emery Work Bed Program), So Others Might Eat (which operates Shalom House), and Pathways to Housing DC.

On a personal note, I wanted to share that I was so pleased to see so many people get involved with the civic association, and share their views about what makes our neighborhood special, and how the history of our community should best be preserved. While the discussion was contentious at times, everyone there – and everyone who has shared their views online – clearly cares deeply about Eckington. 

I hope that those of you who are new to the ECA continue to be involved. We have events – happy hours, barbecues, community beautification and clean up days – throughout the year, and monthly meetings in which you can weigh in on new developments coming to the neighborhood, hear from and share your thoughts with elected officials, and meet other members from the community. We are always looking for people who want to be actively involved, whether it’s heading a committee, helping to get the word out about important events and issues, or sharing their views at meetings.

Thank you again to everyone who has participated in this process. I hope to see you all at the next ECA meeting on July 11!


Hannah Putman
Recording Secretary

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