
Monday, June 13, 2016

MPD: Robbery Gun at 11:53 hrs on the 2000 block of Flagler Pl NW

1) See this DC Alert:

From: AlertDC []
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 12:20 PM
Subject: Crime Alert 5th District (PSA 501-508)

This is an important message from the District of Columbia AlertDC system.

Alert: Robbery Gun at 1153 hrs in the 2000 block of Flager Street, . Lookout for S1: B/M, 5'10, 170 pounds, wearing blue pants, unknown shirt armed with a silver gun; S2: B/M, 5'10, 170 pounds, unknown shirt, dark pants last seen in a green Honda Civic, unknown tags headed w/b Elm Street, NW.
Sent to 5th District (PSA 501-508) Alert DC
Sent by MPD CAD #10699

2)  See this Email from a Flagler Place NW resident:

Sent: Monday, June 13, 2016 1:21 PM
Subject: Two hold ups at gun point in front of the Parker Flats in Bloomingdale this afternoon 

Hello Neighbors, 

I have bad news to share with you.  There were two hold ups one on Flagler Place NW in front of the Parker Flats, the second on 2nd Street NW in front of the Parker Flats, about 30 minutes ago today here in Bloomingdale.  There are four cop cars at the intersection of 2nd and Elm NW, collecting evidence and interviewing the victims.  The robbers targeted the roofing company repairing the balconies at the two Parker Flats buildings.  The robbers with guns drawn ordered the workers to the ground, face down, and stolen their wallets, paper work, and equipment.  The robbers are driving a blue Chevy sedan.  No one was hurt, but everyone is very shaken up.

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