
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Robbery Fear near 1st & Channing St NW alleyway around 9 pm earlier this evening

First, a message from a neighborhood resident:

~ Another robbery in Bloomingdale: A good friend of ours was robbed this evening walking to our house around 9 pm at the alleyway near 1st and Channing NW.  We don't know if the perp was armed but he pressed something against the back of her head and then took her wallet and tablet. She didn't see him so couldn't provide any descriptive information.  Police were called and a report has been filed and they are checking her phone - which the perp held briefly - for prints.

And here is the DC Alert message:
From: AlertDC []
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2016 9:37 PM
Subject: Crime Alert 5th District (PSA 501-508)

This is an important message from the District of Columbia AlertDC system.

Alert: Robbery Fear at 2030 hrs in the Unit block of Channing Street NW. [street or intersection]. Lookout for: 2 Black/Males, wearing all black clothing Suspect (1) thin build, 6'0" tall.
Sent to 5th District (PSA 501-508) Alert DC
Sent by MPD CAD # 5279

And here is the tweet from the DC Police Department:

DC Police Department@DCPoliceDept                         
Alert: Robbery Fear Unit block of Channing Street NW. Lookout for: 2 Black/Males, all black clothing Suspect (1) thin build, 6'0" tall.
9:31 PM - 29 Jun 2016

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