
Friday, September 30, 2016

cheesy, gooey goodness at the Bloomingdale Farmers Market:


Figs at Garner.  Stuff with Keswick goat cheese and drizzle with honey.

BFM Friends,

Cheesy, gooey goodness at BFM.  Keswick's camembert, Valancay, Brie inspired cheeses.  Cucina Al Volo's eggplant parmesan lasagne, Whisked's Breakfast Burrito Quiche and the best recipe for eggplant parm.

Did you see that our Red Hen's chef Mike Friedman gave WaPo his amazing Jersey Eggplant Parm recipe?  I made it last night (but the photo is from another one I made a few weeks ago because we ate it all before I could photograph it last night.  it was so good).   The recipe is incredible,because it is the one from All Purpose Pizzeria.  And it is easy too because you don't have to splatter the entire kitchen by frying thin eggplant slices that insist on absorbing and absorbing and absorbing and absorbing all the oil. NOOOO, you roast oil slicked slices in the oven for 20 minutes and then you build your parm.  So, so easy and right on our FB page.  They have a better picture of it, btw.

Make AP's eggplant parm or your own version -- addictive

Reid has been saying that this week was the last week of yellow peaches until the end of September but Conor thought there might be some for this Sunday We will see when they arrive. Conor is bringing more and more apples every week and the nice thing about Reid is that they grow about 75 different varieties --- some of which are very rare antique apples.   Did you see the Plum Torte recipe that was the New York Times all time favorite?  Use Reid's italian Plums.

BIKE HOUSE from 11-1.  Every week our friends at The Bike House help 20-30 people a week fix their bikes.
MUSIC: Jason has a surprise for us.
Watch out for our LIVE FB VIDEO VISITS with the producers at BFM.  I do them Sunday mornings and Share them, please.

We are open heat, rain or shine at the corner of first and R Streets NW in front of the Big Bear Cafe
  • Let's all bug Mountain View to bring their Paw Paws and their fresh turmeric.  I am sure you saw the good news about turmeric this week?  Shawna still has baby ginger!  No skin, no fiber, floral, the best.  Great for syrups, sodas, stir fries, pickling, freezing. I am using a stalk to flavor some stock and you can use the leaves to wrap fish or chop finely and use as an herb.
  • Pear, both Asian and Bartlett
  • Wonder what to do with Delicata Squash?  One of my favorite cookbook blogs has the answer.
  • I hope you saw that low fat cheeses are NOT better for you?  YAY, KESWICK FARMSTEAD CHEESES.
LITTLE WILD THINGS is back this week with their wonderful microgreens.  This week  I tried a new one: micro scallions. I am always delighted with how a handful of Mary's microgreens transforms a salad or a plate.

REID'S ORCHARD:  Be sure to try the champagne Candice grapes! Seedless grapes, peaches, Italian plums, Asian pears, Bartlett pears, apples (they change every week  including Gala, Honeycrisp, Gold Supreme), and 3 kinds of ciders -UV, Honeycrisp and Pear.

KESWICK CREAMERY: Have you tried their Brie and Camembert inspired cheeses yet?  Another great, gooey choice.  The last few weeks Melanie made 100 % goat milk chevre which is wonderful.

TIP:  If you like goat cheese, sub Keswick's goat cheese for mozz in the All Purpose Eggplant Parm.  Shades of Provence.

MOUNTAIN VIEW ORGANIC:  Nice to see their greens again: swiss chard, bok choy. Check out the Asian varieties of eggplant and bicolor yellow and green squash. Attila, the Hungarian pepper whisperer, loves his hot and sweet peppers.  Blues, Red Gold potatoes. Shallots. Onions in yellow, purple and white. Squash and zucchini. cherry tomatoes and beets. Mountain View loves growing unusual varieties and everything is certified organic.

Pickled Okra means Fall is here. District Dills pickles . Half Sours, Crispy Koshers, Distict Dills, Kicky Koshers, Horsefire and Red N Butters!Kicky Beans are back. So is Kicky Kimchi! Just in time for a grilled Kimcheese sandwich - don't forget a good slather of great butter.

WHISKED: The cookies are GREAT, too.
The perfect desserts for your parties and picnics are Whisked pies. Oven-roasted corn, sliced cherry tomatoes, and freshly chopped basil are mixed into their creamy egg filling, tucked into a flaky crust, and baked until golden. We're moving into late summer produce (think tomatoes, sweet corn, and blackberries), and here are their flavors. Blueberry Lemon. Bourban Pecan. Peach. Peach Raspberry. Salted Caramel Apple. Sea Salt Chocolate Chess. Bacon Cheddar Onion. NEW Roasted Corn, Tomato & Basil. Kale and Feta. Tomato, roasted Garlic & Goast Cheese.

CUCINA AL VOLO: I guess it is Fall. The new Pumpkin ravioli sold out in about 20 minutes last week. And because they now have their very own kitchen again (no more sharing space at Union Kitchen), they will start to bring more soups and prepared foods as well as their superb Florentine pasta. The homemade burrata ravioli always sells out too. The eggplant norma sauce makes a good veggie sidedish and a number of customers use the mushroom sauce as a mushroom soup...

TIP: No time to cook? their fresh pastas cook in less than 4 minutes. Grab a sauce and you can put together dinner in 10 minutes.  Add a salad or cut up some tomatoes and cucumbers and feta.  Finish with a Whisked Pie or cookies.
TRUCK PATCH FARMS:  Bryan prides himself on his heirloom tomatoes. Many, many varieties of Heirloom tomatoes, okra, green beans, many varieties of summer squash. Arugula, mesclun, spinach, kale, chards, eggplants, bunches of basil, cukes.
Meat Department:  SAY YES to Pork sausages, bacons, pork chops, salt pork, chops, pork sirloins, pork steaks, country ribs, spare ribs, butt roast, boneless shoulder roast, boneless and bone-in loin roasts,

GARNER: Pepper Heave, every color, hot and sweet..  Watermelon .Many varieties of eggplants, 7 different summer squash,  okra, potatoes, primo red tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers for slicing and pickling, beans, chard, garlic, candy onions. green beans. Greens. sweet corn. Red, white and Yukon spuds. Parsley, Basil and Cilantro.  Make Pesto with them. Kales. Swiss Chard.

PANORAMA: French breakfast pastries like palmiers, almond croissants plus the plain and chocolate crosisants, baguettes, the olive oil buns that grace the 25 dollar hamburgers at Central and the Rustiques.  Sandwich breads, too.  If they are out of a bread you crave, ask them to save one for you for next week.  Late risers:  they have lots of whole wheat, multigrain and sourdough boules and loaves that sell out early.  So reserve what you want!  Email if you do not see something you want, please.
Food Justice News: Our Bonus Matching Program has restarted and we are matching SNAP Food Stamps, WIC, CVC and SENIOR FMNP vouchers up to $10 per week per family with market tokens that people can use to buy fruits, vegetables, meat, cheese and eggs.  We hope this will help fill some of the the gap now that the incredibly successful Produce Plus Program has ended for the year.

As you probably know, SNAP food stamps are pretty stingy, WIC only gives $25 a YEAR for fruits and vegetables and SENIOR  is similarly paltry.
Robin, Teds and Danielle

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