
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Samsara House 2023: How to prepare for November 9th

From: Cullen Kowalski []
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 3:49 PM
Subject: How to prepare for November 9th

How to prepare for November 9th
The American Psychological Association’s Stress in America team found 52% of adults say the 2016 presidential election is a very or somewhat significant source of stress.  No matter the results of the U.S. elections, life after November 8th may stand to be one of the most challenging times of our future. 

Looking deeply, we may begin to see that this source of stress is not entirely being consciously generated by our collective fears of the future, but instead it is being unconsciously generated in us by the emergence of what is known as the “collective shadow” of humanity.  The collective shadow thrives in each and every one of us through our individual shadows—our unconscious habits and old patterns which cause us to behave in ways towards others and ourselves which we later regret.  It may feel like there is no way out.  What can we do?

Instead of being driven by our unconscious habits or shadows and feeding the collective shadow of humanity as a result, we can choose to help change the course of our lives and heal the world in doing so.  This weekend, a four-part “Shadow” workshop is being offered at Samsara House 2023 in Bloomingdale, Washington, D.C.  Come learn how to get hold of your old patterns and let the next four years and beyond become a time of embracing new possibilities in yourself and society as a result of your new way of being.

Releasing Old Patterns, Embracing New Possibilities - A Workshop on Shadow
Saturday, October 29th - 2PM - 5:30PM

Venue: Samsara House 2023 in Bloomingdale, D.C.

Cost: $45

Read More/Sign-up Now:

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