
Friday, October 07, 2016

hey, Thip Khao pop up demo at the Bloomingdale Farmers Market Sunday

From: Robin Shuster
Sent: Thursday, October 6, 2016 5:06 PM
Subject: Fwd: Hey, Thip Khao pop up demo at BFM Sunday -


fresh baby ginger -- no peel, no fiber and great leaves and stems

BFM Friends,

If you love Lao (or its cousin, Northern Thai) food, you know that Thip Khao is a  Lao Food Heaven and we are very excited that we have Co-Chef and Co- Owner Bobby at our chef demo table this week.

He spent a lot of time exploring the 14&U FM last Saturday and he loved what he saw.  I am sure he will be equally excited by BFM.  One thing he is going to talk about is what he does with those ginger stalks and leaves.  He will shop the market and create some inspired Lao dishes for you to sample.  And you can learn how to get those flavors at home.

in case you missed it, this eggplant parm recipe from Mike Friedman's All Purpose Pizzeria was really really popular last week. So, so easy and right on our FB page.  They have a better picture of it, btw.

Make AP's eggplant parm or your own version -- addictive

*BIKE HOUSE from 11-1.  Every week our friends at The Bike House help 20-30 people a week fix their bikes.
*MUSIC: Jason has a surprise for us.
*MyColumbia MUSHROOMS is back this week!

Watch out for our LIVE FB VIDEO VISITS with the producers at BFM.  I do them Sunday mornings. Like and Share them, please.

We are open heat, rain or shine at the corner of first and R Streets NW in front of the Big Bear Cafe

I hereby  nominate:

October as Ratatouille Month: tomatoes, peppers, onions, squash, garlic are gorgeous right now. 

Traditionally, you cook each vegetable separately and then add them together to mingle flavors. Serious Eats website suggested that cutting the vegetables into equal, SMALL cubes was more important to the final result. Heresy but try it. Or fire up the grill for this interesting grilled version, served topped with goat cheese.
  •  Hope we see Mt View's fresh turmeric.  Did you see the good news about turmeric?
  • Pear, both Asian and Bartlett
  • New Autumn seasonal Pies and Quiches at Whisked
  • Pumpkins and pumpkin filled foods are very popular at BFM -- (but they are the real thing --no artifical pumpkin spice here): pies, ravioli, recipes
  • Wonder what to do with Delicata Squash?  One of my favorite cookbook blogs has the answer.
  • I hope you saw that low fat cheeses are NOT better for you?  YAY, KESWICK FARMSTEAD CHEESES.
  • Carnivores: did you know that there are lots of  Wild Boar in Virginia and that Cucina has a Wild Boar lasagne
Heidi Swanson (101 cookbooks) is a big fan of Delicata Squash and I love the recipes she gives here and what she blogged so I will quote her.

"The delicata is a dream. Thin-skinned, there is no need to peel them. A length-wise slice from end to end is the toughest maneuver, and from there it's smooth going. A quick drag of a spoon clears the seeds, and a run of cuts yields a perfect deck of scalloped crescents. More often than not, at this point, I'll roast the squash a few degrees shy of oblivion - it becomes golden, crusted, and perfect straight from the oven. "

MYCOLUMBIA MUSHROOMS:   Welcome back! Hardly anyone grows the big Italians that James cultivates -- The Dabney Restaurant loves grilling them and they are good roasted as well.  Many other oyster mushrooms as well.

TIP: You can make a super double mushroom risotto with the soaking liquid from the dried mushrooms, the reconstituted mushrooms and some fresh ones.  (It's Vegan by nature).

REID'S ORCHARD:  Be sure to try the champagne Candice  and those blue black Mars grapes! Seedless grapes, maybe a few peaches, Italian plums, Asian pears, Bartlett pears, apples (they change every week including Gala, Honeycrisp, Gold Supreme, Pinova), and 3 kinds of ciders -UV, Honeycrisp and Pear.

KESWICK CREAMERY: Have you tried their Brie and Camembert and Valancay inspired cheeses yet?  Another great, gooey choice.  The last few weeks Melanie made 100 % goat milk chevre which is wonderful.  As you know, I am a 2 quart a week yogurt booster.  But there are 20 other choices as well...

TIP:  If you like goat cheese, sub Keswick's goat cheese for mozz in the All Purpose Eggplant Parm.  Shades of Provence.

MOUNTAIN VIEW ORGANIC:  Nice to see their greens again: swiss chard, bok choy, Tai-tso. Check out the Asian varieties of eggplant and bicolor yellow and green squash. Attila, the Hungarian pepper whisperer, loves his hot and sweet peppers.  Blues, Red Gold potatoes. Shallots. Onions in yellow, purple and white. Squash and zucchini. cherry tomatoes and beets. Mountain View loves growing unusual varieties and everything is certified organic.  

TRUCK PATCH FARMS:  Bryan prides himself on his greens and salads. Okra, green beans, many varieties of summer and winter squash. Arugula, mesclun, spinach, kale, chards, eggplants, basil, cukes. 

Meat Department:  SAY YES to Pork sausages, bacons, pork chops, salt pork, chops, pork sirloins, pork steaks, country ribs, spare ribs, butt roast, boneless shoulder roast, boneless and bone-in loin roasts,

NUMBER 1 SONS:  Pickled Okra means Fall is here. District Dills pickles. Distict Dills, Horsefire and Red N Butters!Kicky Beans are back. So is Kicky Kimchi! Just in time for a grilled Kimcheese sandwich - don't forget a good slather of great butter.  There WILL be  Half Sours and Kicky Koshers this week.  Maybe next week as well but stock up just in case...

WHISKED: Jenna says: "In our kitchen, we’re welcoming Fall with pumpkins, pears, and squash in our new pie and quiche recipes. Of course we’ll have the American classic Pumpkin pie, but if you want to indulge in something a little different, try our Pear Cinnamon pie recipe! We combine roasted pears with a little lemon juice to balance out the sweetness of the fruit, and then toss them with cinnamon to add a little seasonal spice! Other menu updates include our savory Butternut Squash & Thyme recipe, and Leek, Mushroom & Goat Cheese quiche."

CUCINA AL VOLO: The Pumpkin ravioli sold out in about an hour last week. And because they now have their very own kitchen again at their new restaurant in Adams Morgan (no more sharing space at Union Kitchen), they will start to bring more soups and prepared foods as well as their superb Florentine pasta. The homemade burrata ravioli always sells out too. The eggplant norma sauce makes a good veggie sidedish and a number of customers use the mushroom sauce as a mushroom soup... Carnivores: try the virginia wild boar lasagne.

TIP: No time to cook? their fresh pastas cook in less than 4 minutes. Grab a sauce and you can put together dinner in 10 minutes.  Add a salad or cut up some tomatoes and cucumbers and feta.  Finish with a Whisked Pie or cookies.

GARNER: Pepper Heaven, in color, hot and sweet.. Red, seedless Watermelon .Many varieties of eggplants, 5 different summer squash: zucchini, yellow squash, bonita, golden zucchini, patty pan.,  Okra, potatoes, primo red tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers for slicing and pickling, candy onions. green beans and flat Italians. Arugula, Greens. sweet corn. Red, white and Yukon spuds. Parsley, Basil and Cilantro.  Make Pesto with them. Kales. Swiss Chard. Delicata, Acorn, Butternut winter squash. Shelled black eyed peas. Red and white sweet potatoes.  

PANORAMA: French breakfast pastries like palmiers, almond croissants plus the plain and chocolate croisants, baguettes, the olive oil buns that grace the 25 dollar hamburgers at Central and the Rustiques.  Sandwich breads, too. If they are out of a bread you crave, ask them to save one for you for next week.  Late risers:  they have lots of whole wheat, multigrain and sourdough boules and loaves that sell out early.  So reserve what you want!  Email if you do not see something you want, please.

Food Justice News: Our Bonus Matching Program has restarted and we are matching SNAP Food Stamps, WIC, CVC and SENIOR FMNP vouchers up to $10 per week per family with market tokens that people can use to buy fruits, vegetables, meat, cheese and eggs.  We hope this will help fill some of the the gap now that the incredibly successful Produce Plus Program has ended for the year. 

As you probably know, SNAP food stamps are pretty stingy, WIC only gives $25 a YEAR for fruits and vegetables and SENIOR  is similarly paltry.

Robin, Teds

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