
Monday, October 03, 2016

Samsara House 2023: Are you coming Friday night ?

From: Cullen Kowalski []
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2016 10:34 AM
To: Wake Up <>
Subject: Are You Coming Friday Night?

For anyone serious about spreading intersubjective "we-space" practice in the D.C. area, putting integral theory in practice, or the very leading-edge of spirituality, this is for you..  ..the curious will be welcomed, seen and integrated with the whole..  

Dustin DiPerna is an upcoming spiritual teacher from the West Coast who will be visiting us for the first time this coming Friday and Saturday and you are invited to join.  You really don't want to miss this opportunity!  Together with Awakening New Possibilities founder and Samsara House 2023 partner Bennett Crawford, he will be offering an introductory evening which will be part-didactic and part-experiential.  Saturday will be a day long deep dive of experience that for the price

Dustin is a visionary leader, entrepreneur, and recognized expert in world religions. American philosopher Ken Wilber has publicly declared that Dustin’s work “fundamentally alters the way in which religion or spirituality can (and should) be taught and practiced.”

Here's an except from the flyer:

Spiritual confidence emerges as a result of knowing who we truly are. Through meditation we gain access to a level of stable presence that is alert, calm, and able to hold any experience. Many of us have only experienced meditation as an isolated individual practice, but what happens when we bring meditative awareness into our friendships and romantic relationships? There is an art of relating that all of us can learn through deepening our connection to our own spiritual presence. Come explore the power of relational spiritual practice with Dustin and Bennett.

Friday, October 7th - Introductory Evening
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Cost: $10 - $15 dollars donation
During this evening introduction, you will be guided through a series of exercises designed to help you discover your spiritual confidence in our world of rapid modern change. The evening will consist of both individual and collective meditative practice. At the end of the event, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the daylong workshop to be held the following day on Saturday October 8th.

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