
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The InTowner: "The McMillan Park Reservoir Mess: City officials Seem to be Ignoring the Increased Opposition to the Plans for Historic Site’s Development, Perhaps at Their Peril"

Click on the link to read the entire The InTowner article:

The McMillan Park Reservoir Mess: City officials Seem to be Ignoring the Increased Opposition to the Plans for Historic Site’s Development, Perhaps at Their Peril

The Mayor’s office isn’t returning phone calls, City Council has been forced by the courts to release documents on a no-bid contract it has claimed are “privileged,” an Advisory Neighborhood Commission has been pulled apart by warring factions, and neighbors all around the city’s historic McMillan Reservoir Park between First and North Capitol Streets in Northwest DC’s Bloomingdale neighborhood are hopping mad. As they see it, the city is blithely giving away one of its largest and last remaining, green open spaces.
Further. the DC Court of Appeals, having heard oral arguments from a case handed up from DC Superior Court, is expected early next year to render a decision regarding the legality of zoning decisions for the McMillan Park area made by the DC Zoning Commission and another entity of special powers at City Hall, known as the “Mayor’s Agent.”


  1. City officials are ignoring "increased opposition?" I haven't sensed an increase, just the same solid group of vocal opponents. Aren't we all just waiting to see what happens in D.C. Superior Court?

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. This opposition is delusional. They speak for no one but themselves. The community has been waiting long enough fir thia much needed and anticipated project. And the City hopefully sees through their propaganda and lies.
