
Monday, October 03, 2016

This Month at Samsara House 2023 & East Meets West Yoga - October 2016

From: Cullen Kowalski
Sent: Monday, October 3, 2016 1:20 PM
Subject: This Month at Samsara House 2023 & East Meets West Yoga - October 2016

This Month at Samsara House 2023
and East Meets West Yoga - October 2016


(Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, 30) Mindfulness for Daily Living Series Weekly Meditation Class, (Oct 7-8) Developing Spiritual Confidence Workhop with 
Dustin DiPerna * (Oct 15) Open "Fireside" Chat Awakening Meditation Circle * (Oct 16) Pop-up Meditation at Bloomingdale Farmer's Market * (Oct 21-23) Human Sun Weekend Retreat with Saniel & Linda Groves-Bonder * (Oct 29) Releasing Old Patterns and Embracing New Possibilities - "Shadow" Workshop
Save the dates and preregister to secure your seat  - See below!

October 2016

EVERY SUNDAY EVENING at East Meets West Yoga Center
Mindfulness For Daily Living - Weekly Meditation Class 
with Bennett Crawford and Cullen Kowalski

Mindfulness for Daily Living Series:  Discover a deeper trust and wisdom within you
Many of us already know that the practice of meditation has many benefits to our overall health and well-being but as we know it is not easy to engage and maintain a daily practice. There are many reasons on why we might not engage in a regular practice such as- “it is too hard to meditate because my mind is too distracting”, “I have a family with kids”, “I have a busy work schedule”, “I am too restless to meditate” or “I just do not have the time”. When it comes to the hustle and bustle of daily life, it can be very difficult for us to slow down and come back to BEING and make time to meditate.
This is why the mindfulness for daily life series will provide you the time, opportunity and space to meditate. With this opportunity to practice mindfulness and meditation, you will learn and explore essential mindfulness skills and practices that are very practical and useful in your life. You will learn various insights, tools and practices to become more present and alive with more presence and aliveness, and discover the true value of mindfulness and how it can transform your life.   You will discover as you continue to practice that you will have access to a deeper place of trust, inner strength, wisdom, and compassion, which will not only make a difference in your life but also make a difference in lives of others.

In this mindfulness for daily life series, you will learn:
  • How to stay grounded and present in mindful, effortless awareness.
  • How to develop a deeper trust in your deepest Self and discover and live from your inherent goodness.
  • How to cultivate and embody an attitude of openness, trust and curiosity with experience in meditation both on the cushion and off the cushion.
  • How to tame the mind with love and compassion.
  • How to learn the value of inquiry and interpersonal mindful meditation-mindful mutuality and the possibilities this creates for how we can BE in the world.
Please join Bennett and Cullen in discovering the power of mindful awareness in mutual openness, curiosity, trust, and compassion, and see what is possible on how we can bring this level of presence to our daily lives together.

6:00PM - 7:15PM
Requested Donation - $15 - $10

Venue: East meets West Yoga Center in Vienna, VA 
Read more and preregister :

First time in the D.C. area from the West Coast, Dustin DiPerna
Developing Spiritual Confidence - Workshop
with Dustin DiPerna and Bennett Crawford
For anyone serious about spreading intersubjective "we-space" practice in the D.C. area, putting integral theory in practice, or about studying the very leading-edge of spirituality, this is for you..  
.. and for anyone curious : "we-space" practice is a significant "how" of what is needed for "us" to get together and love one another--flowing, relaxed, peaceful..  in a way which transcends and includes everything we are already doing, everything being taught by our great teachers, and all of the life coaching and self-help methods in the marketplace, such that *everyone* in the room from whatever path or belief is part of that getting togetherness.  You won't believe how you feel during and after one of these experiences.  One thing seems sure, the future of spirituality is experiential..

Dustin DiPerna is an upcoming spiritual teacher from the West Coast who will be visiting us for the first time this coming Friday and Saturday and you are invited to join.  You really don't want to miss this opportunity!  Together with Awakening New Possibilities founder and Samsara House 2023 partner Bennett Crawford, he will be offering an introductory evening which will be part-didactic and part-experiential.  Saturday will be a day long deep dive of experience that for the price
Dustin is a visionary leader, entrepreneur, and recognized expert in world religions. American philosopher Ken Wilber has publicly declared that Dustin’s work “fundamentally alters the way in which religion or spirituality can (and should) be taught and practiced.”
Here's an except from the flyer:
Spiritual confidence emerges as a result of knowing who we truly are. Through meditation we gain access to a level of stable presence that is alert, calm, and able to hold any experience. Many of us have only experienced meditation as an isolated individual practice, but what happens when we bring meditative awareness into our friendships and romantic relationships? There is an art of relating that all of us can learn through deepening our connection to our own spiritual presence. Come explore the power of relational spiritual practice with Dustin and Bennett.

Friday, October 7th - Introductory Evening
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Cost: $10 - $15 dollars donation
Read more and preregister - Introductory Evening Only (Eventbrite Tickets)
During this evening introduction, you will be guided through a series of exercises designed to help you discover your spiritual confidence in our world of rapid modern change. The evening will consist of both individual and collective meditative practice. At the end of the event, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the daylong workshop to be held the following day on Saturday October 8th.

Reserve your seat now: 

Download/Share flyer:

Saturday, October 8th - One Day Workshop
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Cost:   $90.00 preregistered; $100.00 at the door
Read more and preregister - One Day Workshop Only (East meets West Website)

Venue: East meets West Yoga Center in Vienna, VA  

Our Monthly Gathering

Open "Fireside" Chat Awakening Meditation Circle
with Bennett Crawford and Cullen Kowalski
Cullen Kowalski and Bennett Crawford are pleased to invite you to our monthly Open “Fireside” Chat Awakening Circle.  We would like to share with you our direct experiences with meditation in the context of awakening, open heart mutuality, deep healing and shadow work--ingredients which appear to be essential for igniting a whole new way of life of ultimate liberation, freedom and explosive radical love.  This open style peer mutuality circle is about learning from each other how meditation can create the space for not only accelerating the discovery of our deepest Self, but also sharing with each other how meditation can open us to new possibilities.  The results of this way of meditation are extraordinary.  We are in the process of developing leading-edge programs for individuals and organizations to share a variety of meditations which are "full spectrum" in nature so that meditation can be directly applied at all places throughout our day.  Developing and practicing "full spectrum" mindfulness is not just for personal benefit--it's a way of being so that your true gifts can be shared with the world right now and in every moment when it is most needed.
Come join us, we have a seat waiting for you!  We look forward to meeting you, learning about your unique experience with meditation and share with you a vision of what’s possible.
Please RSVP to let us know you are coming.

7:30PM - 9:30PM
Cost $5 - Tea and Conscious Snacks Served

Venue: Around the Fire Pit @ Samsara House 2023 in Washington, D.C. 20001
Read More and RSVP:

Come try meditation!
FREE Pop-up Meditation at Bloomingdale Farmer's Market 
Back by popular demand! 

For anyone wondering what meditation is all about, but doesn’t know where to start. For anyone who seeks to create an effective daily meditation practice--novices and experienced meditators alike. For anyone interested in learning a whole new way of being that can rapidly transform themselves, their communities, their schools and their organizations. For those who want to make real or “Real-ize” their whole being, become awake and fully integrated. For those who are ready to transform themselves and the world. This powerful introduction to meditation class could be for you.
Sign-up on the spot for one or more fifteen minute experiences of guided meditation to see what it's all about!

Sign-up on the spot, one or more 15 Minute Experiences of Guided Meditation

9AM - 1PM

Venue: Outside Big Bear Cafe, Bloomingdale, D.C. 20001

Come see what it means to Wake Down in Mutuality, Do not miss this!
Human Sun Weekend Retreat with Saniel & Linda-Groves Bonder 

Realize the Heart and Heal Your Spirit/Matter Split
Embodied awakening has become a central pursuit for many people today who are no longer willing to have their spirituality separate from their everyday lives, relationships, obligations, responsibilities -- and very crowded to-do lists!  This is not meant to replace your existing spiritual path, however engaged it might be.  This is not full of intellectual concepts, thoughts or rejections of ideas either.
The revelation of Waking Down in Mutuality stands among the leading-edge of spiritual paths which can turn all our actions into the ultimate recognition and expression of the divinely human Heart of our total existence.  In essence, Waking Down in Mutuality is an experiential evolutionary spiritual practice that helps us awaken, heal and connect with and through others, as well as in ourselves. Waking Down in Mutuality offers humanity the potential to land in a stage of unshakable awakening bodily as consciousness itself, a second birth, a new way of life.

If you have any interest whatsoever in accelerating your own awakening and streamlining your further healing, growth, and full expression of your life-purpose, please don't miss this extraordinary weekend with Saniel and Linda as well as other local awakened and awakening Waking Down practitioners. Each day will include gazing and meditation, music and movement (bring your instruments and playlists!), poetry and creative expression, as well as teaching presentations and Q&A. Come join us for a heart-full, juicy weekend!  They both are eager to join us here in the D.C. Metro area for this potent two-day retreat. Everyone welcome.  Invite your friends.

Friday, October 21st - Introductory Public Gathering
7:30 - 9:30 pm
Cost: $20 preregistered - $30 at the door
Read More and Preregister - The Introductory Gathering Only (Eventbrite Tickets)
Venue: East meets West Yoga Center in Vienna, VA

Saturday & Sunday, Oct 22-23 - Human Sun Weekend Retreat
10:00 am - 6:00 pm Sat | 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Sun
Cost:   $325.00 through Sept 22; $395.00 through Oct 21
Read More and Register - The Weekend Retreat Only (Saniel & Linda Website)
Venue: Private location in Arlington, VA e-mailed to participants

New "Shadow" Workshop!
Releasing Old Patterns and Embracing New Possibilities - Workshop
with Bennett Crawford and Cullen Kowalski

How many of you have ever felt stuck in a pattern or a habit that does not serve you? How many of you  felt sabotaged by your own conflicting needs, desires and values that keep you from living the life you want to live? From time to time, many of us experience conflicting needs, drives or motives about the changes we want to make thus keeping us stuck despite our greatest intentions and efforts.  The question becomes -- how do we begin to recognize and transform these unconscious habits and patterns and be free from them so that we have the space to live from our deepest values?

In this workshop, Releasing Old Patterns and Embracing New Possibilities will provide you with the opportunity to look within and see your own habits and patterns from a place of compassion, openness, and curiosity.  In this workshop, you will not only discover more freedom but also discover more possibilities within yourself as well. From this place of compassionate, open awareness, new possibilities can emerge thus providing you the space and guidance you need in order to make the positive changes in the world.  [or that you need to make positive changes in the world.]

By completion of this class, you will learn:
  • How to connect more deeply with yourself and others in a space of inherent goodness, trust, compassion, openness and curiosity
  • Learn tools on how to recognize habits and patterns that do not serve you from a place of wisdom and compassion
  • Discover how to connect more with your True Self and be able to discern more clearly between your True Self and False self
  • To open to new possibilities within yourself and be able to bring them more into your life
We invite you to come to this transformative workshop and together we will discover our inherent goodness and the possibilities that can emerge when we can face and let go of our habits and patterns that do not serve us. Let us come together and confront the hidden parts of ourselves because as we do, we not only make a difference within ourselves, but also make a difference in the world as well!

2:00PM - 5:30PM
Cost $45-$40 - Tea and Conscious Snacks Served
* signup by Oct 16th for $5 off the workshop price

Venue: Samsara House 2023 in Washington, D.C. 20001
Download Flyer/Register:

* * * * * 


Start your day in D.C. with Kundalini Yoga, the Yoga of Awareness

Now four mornings each week!
Sunrise Kundalini with Jiwan Shakti Kaur
6:30AM - 7:30 AM @ Lighthouse Yoga, Petworth, D.C.
Reserve space:
Cost $17 Drop In

Sunrise Kundalini with Haridev Kaur and friends
6:30AM - 8:00 AM @ Dupont Circle, D.C.
Come greet the sun with me and the Yoga House Collective this Wednesday, from 6:30-8am at Church of The Holy City - National Swedenborgian Church. With the beautiful morning light that comes with the summer solstice happening soon, we will appreciate the sun, warm our hearts and foster our compassion. What a great way to start the day!
1611 16th Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20009
Open Drop In 
Cost $10/by donation

Kundalini Yoga, Gong and Meditation with Doris Ramjot Kaur and friends
8:15AM - 10:00AM @ Yoga House, Dupont Circle, D.C.
No need to register:
e-mail: Ramjot Kaur for questions:
By Donation


Kundalini Yoga Class (Rotating Instructors)
8:30AM - 9:45AM @ Bloombars, Columbia Heights D.C.
No need to register:
$10 Requested Donation
* * * * * 

About Samsara House 2023, (est. 2013)

What we do
Offering extraordinary experiences from the leading-edge of healing, connection and awakening. Beginner to advanced workshops and integrated programs for individuals, communities, schools and corporations. [ ... ] 

● creating space for healing, connection and awakening

● developing the ability to tap into the full potential of human life

● activating the next evolutionary level of consciousness

Guiding Principles



You never change things by fighting the existing reality.  To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. ~ Buckminster Fuller

Be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Gandhi

* * * * *

Join the Samsara House 2023 mailing list:
Samsara House 2023
36 R Street NW
WashingtonDC 20001

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