
Monday, November 28, 2016

abandoned Chrysler 300 on the unit block of V Street NW

See this 11-28-2016 message:

FYI to the community, maybe someone knows whose car this is: There is an abandoned silver Chrysler 300, all tags have been removed (inspection sticker says it was D.C. tagged CU-0928, expired as of March 2016), and it's racked up over $1,300 in tickets this year alone per DMV web site.  Doors seem unlocked, and it's covered in dirt.  Seems to have been parked since at least May, roughly in front of 38 V St., N.W.

Does anyone know what happened to the owner(s)? Moved, deceased, arrested, out for lunch maybe? Or a stolen car? Or simply someone saving a parking spot for later ;-) ?


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