
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Common Good City Farm: Now more than ever

From: Common Good City Farm [] On Behalf Of Common Good City Farm
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2016 3:25 PM
Subject: Now more than ever

Growing Food. Cultivating Community.
What I love about Common Good City Farm is our model of bringing diverse community members together to foster a love of and respect for the environment and each other.  We’ve been using food and farming to bring people together for eight years because we believe that a connected community creates healthier individuals, neighborhoods, cities, and ultimately a healthier country.

In a time when many of us feel helpless, discouraged, and uncertain about what the future holds, I assure you that Common Good City Farm is going to double down on our efforts to create a healthy, well-nourished, and vibrant community through urban farming.  As the Executive Director of a non-profit organization, I’m concerned about the impact that possible cuts in government spending and changes to tax laws will have on us.  But I know that our neighbors need us now more than ever.   This is the time to come together, look out for each other, and be the type of community that we would like to see all over the country.

We are committed to doing our part and hope that you will commit to doing yours. Whether that’s through supporting our work, through supporting other organizations whose work aligns with your beliefs (see below), or through simply being kind to a neighbor.  What I’ve learned over the last week is that we can’t take anything for granted, we have to stand up for our beliefs and put our money (or our actions) where our mouth is.

Here’s to stronger communities,
Executive Director

Here are two lists that our staff members recommend checking out:


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Common Good City Farm
PO Box 26030
Washington, DC 20001

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