
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Rustik Tavern closing this Saturday, 11-26-2016

See this 11-23-2016 Facebook message from Rustik Tavern, 84 T Street NW:

Dear Friends!
After a little over 6 years, Rustik Tavern will be closing its doors this Saturday, November 26th. We are so grateful for the opportunity to have spent these past years with you, getting to know this amazing community and creating lasting memories... and we hope to see you one last time! We'll have a farewell celebration on Saturday night, plenty of drinks and good reminiscing about random nights of great conversation and laughs.. Thank you again for the fun times and for supporting us since 2010.
— Lots of hugs from all of us.


  1. Oh no! Did anyone have any idea this was coming? Business seemed so good, particularly on weekends. Big rent increase, maybe? In any case what a reminder to appreciate and support our wonderful local establishments. Our family has so many happy memories and occasions that happened at Rustik- it is so sad to see them go, so suddenly.

  2. Did the lease and new terms were less economically feasible? Steel Plate in Brookland has been open for a couple of years now, maybe it's a more sensible use of resources.

    Rustik, you'll be missed.
