
Monday, November 28, 2016

Van Alen: Crossing the Street - Intersection Mixtape - Thank You

From: Jessica Lax []
Sent: Monday, November 28, 2016 1:31 PM
Subject: Crossing the Street - Intersection Mixtape - Thank You

Dear Community Advisory Board and Friends,

Thank you for helping us create a fantastic final event earlier this month! We could not have done it without your advice and support. No one knows the neighborhood and it's needs better than you and the folks living in the area. 

Thank you for letting us into your community and sharing your insights. I hope you had as much fun as we did. It was inspiring to learn about all the committed and supportive people in your community. We had a really great turn out for the final event, about 100 people over the 3 hours, with hundreds of CD's shared. Our artist partner, Furthermore did a really fantastic job tuning into the community, collecting sounds from and with locals and creating an engaging and unique final event. Furthermore is even mailing out the CDs to individuals in the community. For more information, or to download your neighborhood soundtrack, please visit the project website here.

While we are wrapping up the project now, don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. 

Many thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!



Jessica S. Lax
Associate Director of Competitions
30 West 22nd St.
New York, NY 10010
212 924 7000 x 20


At Van Alen Institute, we believe design can transform cities, landscapes, and regions to improve people’s lives. We collaborate with communities, scholars, policymakers, and professionals on local and global initiatives that rigorously investigate the most pressing social, cultural, and ecological challenges of tomorrow. Building on more than a century of experience, we develop cross-disciplinary research, provocative public programs, and inventive design competitions.

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