
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

window for developers to respond to Howard University's Slowe Hall and Carver Hall RFP's is now closed

At tonight's LeDroit Park Civic Association meeting, it was announced that Howard University had issued an RFP for Slowe Hall on 3rd Street NW and Carver Hall at 2nd and Elm Street NW.

Carver Hall is now empty, while Slowe Hall is still occupied as a student dormitory.

HU would retain ownership of the two sites -- and not be sold to developers.

The RFP that was issued was wide-open -- including whether the two buildings should be kept.  So the responses submitted by development teams could suggest that one or both of the buildings be razed.

It should be noted that Slowe Hall is within the LeDroit Park Historic District, while Carver Hall is not. 

The RFP response window closed the day before Thanksgiving.

HU will need to amend the campus plan in order so the two buildings can be renovated into whatever future uses are decided upon.  So HU will need to come before the community with the plans for the two sites as part of the master plan amendment process.

HU will come before the Bloomingdale Civic Association soon as well with this same info.  Stay tuned.

Slowe Hall

Carver Hall

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