
Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Community Vigil and Meditation Celebrating Tricia -- starting at Yoga District, then moving to 3rd & Elm St NW to the Park at LeDroit via candlelit procession -- today, 12-27-2016

From: Maria
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2016 10:08 AM
Subject: Vigil for Tricia. Please post

Community Vigil and Meditation Celebrating Tricia 

Beloved Yoga District teacher, healer, herbalist and actor Tricia McCauley has passed. Her regular weekly yoga class at 5:15pm today is being transformed into a community-led vigil celebrating her life and love that lives on in all of us forever. Please come to Yoga District Bloomingdale (1830 1st St NW) at 5:15pm for brief meditation, a community sharing circle, and a couple chants followed by a 6:15pm candlelit procession to the park at 3rd and Elm Streets NW where another vigil for Tricia starts at 7pm. At the park feel free to share drawings, poems, plants, lotions, incense, words, skits, or any mementos that celebrate and honor Tricia. The park vigil will feature a couple chants, a couple short speeches, a period of silent mourning with candle lighting, and hopefully some howling at the moon.

People can contact about the studio vigil and for info on the park vigil.

See this additional info:

Can you please add that if people like, they are welcome to bring something to sit on in the park for chanting and meditation?

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