
Saturday, December 31, 2016

DC Zoning Commission Notice of Closed Meeting: VMP & DMPED on the zoning-related Remand from the DC Court of Appeals on McMillan

Here is the link to the DC Zoning Commission closed meeting announcement.

Recall that one remanded order was for zoning and the other two orders that were remanded were for historic preservation.

This ZC closed meeting notice addresses one of the three remanded order from the DC Court of Appeals. 

The remand news was posted at the Bloomingdale Neighborhood blog back on 12/08/2016.




    THE ZONING ORDER AND TWO MAYOR'S AGENT DECISIONS WERE VACATED. Why would you call it "remanded" Scott?

    I hear discussion of the possibility Mayor Bowser will switch from support of VMP to CO-OPTING "park", and design competition. Kind of unlikely, as the Fox doesn't give up guarding the Hen House, just finds new ways to eat the chickens when justice prevails temporarily! , . See her new Twitter attempt to deceive and co-opt. The Fontaine scandal, abuse of power, the DC govt. malfeasance in office, fiscal malfeasance the massive waste of public funds, probably in the $100 million range, and the "theft of enjoyment" of our parkland, due to racial discrimination, disqualifies this disgrace of a govt. They must be removed from control of McMillan Park. We must stop this, DC disgraced officials Bowser, McDuffie, Kenner DMPED, must not be permitted to continue the destruction and fraud.
    I think her investment in forcing this through has been well established. She wouldn't switch with the high $$ stakes. The amount of money and her "saving face", level of commitment, make it virtually impossible. This Mayor in the great tradition of The District of Corruption, has not missed a corrupt opportunity yet. Fresh Start Super Pac, ANC Super Pac, homeless shelter $billion corporate give away, forcing thousands of DC residents from their homes for corporate development, and our favorite VMP/Fontaine McMillan SCANDAL, of course.

    So here is the beginning of her counter attack. She stuck it to the court scheduling the "ground breaking", same time as decision by Appeals Court. VMP stuck it to the court as well, by having the Bid for Construction supervisor due the same day as Appeals Court oral arguments.

    The letter questioning "the no bid exclusive rights agreement for VMP", from Kathy Patterson DC Auditor? DMPED Kenner said "dealt with". Right, the City Council passed the retro-active and pro-active exemption for VMP from their own contracting law. Time running out for massive corporate welfare abuse, the public to private land give away, the "surplus" of land to VMP, Meddlesome got her a 5 year extension. She is committing the next administration to this fraudulent process, as they re-write the laws as they go along. The whole crew will be working directly for Holland and Knight and VMP by then, not as govt. flunkies, just like Neil Albert under Gray, delivered this whole corrupt deal to Jair/Lynch and EYA, and went right to high paying job at H&K. How will they re-write the law this time?

    The question for me is, how will she ramrod this down our throats, not will she?

  2. It doesn't strike me as unusual to receive legal counsel in a closed meeting. The notice says they will not be voting. Considering they are likely to be sued, again, no matter what they do, they wouldn't want to discuss legal strategy and options in an open session.
